Page 50 of A Touch of Fire
With that settled, Megan spent the rest of the morning struggling to get into her normal day-off routine. Cleaning and doing laundry didn’t hold the same appeal when her mind kept wandering back to the night before and the feel of Troy’s hands on her. When it came time to change her sheets, she pressed her head into Troy’s pillow and inhaled, letting his scent wash over her again and bringing a smile to her face. Unable to part with it yet, she left it there and stripped the rest of the bed, smiling at the unmatched pillowcase.
By the time she had done laundry and packed a few lunches for her upcoming shifts, it was time to leave. One of the nice things about living in town was that it didn’t take her long to go anywhere. Today they had agreed to meet at SubZero, a no-frills sandwich shop near the police station.
Megan parked and waved to Ash who was texting on her phone.
“Laura texted while you were driving. Holden has a fever, so she’s heading to pick him up from school now.”
“Oh, I hope he’s okay,” Megan said and pulled out her phone to say just that in their group chat. “Carter must still be on his trip?”
“Yeah, he’s in California for the rest of the week.”
“I’ll swing by later and see if they need anything,” Megan said, knowing how much Laura did on her own. Before Carter was in the picture, she and Ash had always been willing to pitch in to help out like a family, which is where the friendship had really grown into a sisterhood.
While Ash came from a large family, Laura only had her mom, so the three of them had started traditions around birthdays, holidays, and other events, planning around their busy work schedules.
They each walked in and ordered. Megan wasn’t too hungry so settled for a root beer and small turkey sub. She smiled to herself and wondered what Troy would have to say about it, knowing full well he would’ve been more impressed with Ash’s concoction of artisan cheese, bread, sprouts, and all sorts of peppers.
“What are you smiling at?”
Megan tried to hide her smile but did such a poor job it only deepened at the corners of her mouth. “Nothing. Just thinking about your sandwich.”
Ash gave her a peculiar look as they sat down and began to eat. “You shouldn’t lie to your friend.”
“Yeah, I know—sorry. You can always tell when I’m lying.”
Ash didn’t look up. “Yep. So what gives? You get lucky?”
Megan shook her head. Ash studied her with a raised brow.
“No, for real. He stayed over and there was a lot of kissing.” She figured it was better to withhold than lie. “He’s a foodie. I think you’d like him.”
“I’m glad my opinion matters.”
Megan looked up indignantly with an eye roll. “Are you kidding? You’re an excellent judge of character.”
“And have access to state databases,” Ash pointed out without missing a beat.
“That’s not what I mean. I just trust people more if you and Laura like them. I know I can trust you two.”
“Like a council of war.”
Megan laughed. “As usual you have such a way with words. Besides, if you approve, that means he’s a safe bet.”
Ash shrugged and wiped her mouth. “I placed Carter under arrest and I still like him, so I don’t know what you make out of that, but he turned out great.”
Carter Price, Laura’s new husband, had gotten a DUI, trapping him in the state which was the perfect time for him and Laura to reconnect after being high school sweethearts. Now a very successful business owner with a tech start-up that went public, Carter had turned out to be a very good bet indeed, even if he had a rocky start.
“Yeah, that’s true.”
“So spill the deets.”
Megan told her about the date at the hardware store, which made Ash roll her eyes. “He brought you on errands?”
“No, it wasn’t like that; we also went out to eat. It was nice to be chill.”
“Are you sure you’re not just making excuses?”
“Positive. Just listen to this.” Megan filled Ash in on everything they had talked about, shared, and how they had ended tangled up back in her bed.