Page 63 of A Touch of Fire
“One of the guys was on something. His mom had told me he had appointments, but she didn’t know where. I poked around his house as much as I could and didn’t find anything until there was an empty blister pack in the trashcan. It was unmarked, except for the company, which I thought was odd.”
“If it’s the one I saw, he definitely was using,” Megan said.
“Yeah, but this company is legit. It was built about an hour from here.”
“Can’t you just ask him? He’s still in custody, right?”
“That’s the weird part. He has no memory of this.”
“He’s probably lying.”
Ash leveled a gaze at her and shook her head. “He’s not.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I can’t get into how I know. I just do.”
“So yeah. All I have is a random blister pack from Borealis Pharmaceuticals. Couldn’t even tell you what they look like.”
“No medical records?”
“They don’t mention it at all.”
“What about calling the company?”
“They have been…less than helpful.”
Megan frowned. “But if you have a warrant?”
Ash started to answer when a firetruck siren overtook the room as Holden came running back in to show her. Given who his mom and aunties were, they had fostered his love of all EMS vehicles and even knew the proper names for each.
“Alright, who’s hungry?” asked Carter, walking in holding a platter of baked ziti in one hand and a basket of garlic bread in the other.
They all dished out their food and were eating in no time, while Holden dominated the conversation about his friend’s birthday party, which had included a lizard show at the playground.
Megan kept stealing glances over at Ash, who had perked up with some good food and Holden’s story. Whatever was going on, she had no doubt Ash would do whatever she needed to do to get to the bottom of it.
“So how’s your cowboy?” Carter asked.
Laura choked on her ginger ale and went into a coughing fit, which saved Megan and her flaming pink cheeks a little embarrassment.
“You have a cowboy too?Toy Storyis my FAVORITE,” said Holden, while Laura was still gasping for air in between coughs, with Carter patting her on the back.
“Sorry, I told…him…not to…ask,” Laura said in between coughs.
Ash looked like she was holding back a laugh, while studying Megan’s response.
“Um, I don’t know if he’s mine exactly, but Troy’s great. He’s rebuilding his family’s ranch. I went with him to pick out some stuff and met the new horses. They’re retired from Arlington, and he’s keeping them in his barn.”
“It sounds like you guys are spending a lot of time together. What? That’s a good thing!” Carter added when Laura gave him a look.
“Yeah, maybe a little.”
In the past, she would’ve wanted to dive into her ziti and never come out, but something was different. She allowed herself to smile a little as Troy came to mind. There was nothing wrong, nothing to be ashamed of, and now that he was on her mind, she kind of wished he was sitting right next to her.
“I can’t wait for you guys to meet him—Troy.”