Page 82 of A Touch of Fire
“He got me thinking though, and it turns out,” he said with a smile, “I knew your parents.”
Megan’s world stopped spinning, and whatever it was that she thought she saw, she didn’t see that coming.
“I’m sorry, what? That’s amazing. I mean, I had no idea. How? I didn’t realize you were the same age or class. Tommy White and Jennifer Heywood? He was in the technical program.” Her hands were moving and she couldn’t make them stop. The words tumbled out of her in a mad rush to get all of her questions answered. “Auto mechanic. She took typing and shorthand. Became a secretary.”
Mr. Chapman smiled a wide smile, broad and true, that was identical to Troy’s and nearly stopped her heart in its tracks.
“I didn’t know your mom all that well, but I remember seeing her at our football games always hanging out with Tommy. They palled around together with a group of people. I could get you some of their names. They might still be around and willing to talk to you. I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”
Megan struggled to speak. “Oh my God, that’d be amazing. Thank you. Thank you so much. I wanted to know so much, but my grandma… It was too painful for her.”
Mr. Chapman closed his eyes and nodded slowly. “I understand.”
“How did you know my father?”
Mr. Chapman smiled while looking off into the grass. “I was a senior and he was a freshman, so I didn’t know him really well until we played basketball together.”
“I had no idea he played.”
“He was the star player. Made varsity freshman year. Blew all of the coaches away. That was the season I sprained an ankle working on the ranch. I was benched so he took my spot. Always a great defender. My dad needed help and expected it too, but he understood sports. Anyway, I wanted to apologize for not putting it together sooner.
“I was so sorry to hear about the fire. And at Christmastime. The children. It was awful. I had heard that the baby was taken by a relative and moved away. By that time I was married myself with the boys and in the thick of it all. I’ve thought of him often since, but didn’t think much about the baby. Troy mentioned it and then your name clicked for me.”
He looked at her then with tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t mention it sooner.”
Megan smiled. “I’m just so glad you did.”
“You favor your mom more.”
“I do have a few pictures and things that were recovered, so I had seen her, but it’s nice to hear someone say that out loud.”
Hank looked thoughtful for a moment and then smiled at Megan. “I have something at home I think you’ll want to see. Let’s get out of this rain, and why don’t you follow me back to the house.”
After a muddy walk back to their vehicles and a drive back to the ranch, Megan and Hank got dried off as best they could and sat down in his living room. He had pulled a book off a shelf and held it in his hands.
Megan looked down at the black leather volume in his hand. It was facedown so she couldn’t see the title. “It’s my old high school yearbook. It was in one of the few rooms at the house that wasn’t damaged in the fire.”
“Here.” He passed her the book which had a few scraps fromTV Guidesticking out. She flipped open to one and realized he had used it as a bookmark, when she saw her own reflection smiling up from the page.
Her mom’s face was right there on the page— she was still a girl, and stick thin, who hadn’t quite found her confidence yet. She looked up shyly, like she was mid-laugh, clearly nervous around the photographer.
Megan drank in the sight and flipped to the other page to find her dad, much thinner, his mouth almost too wide for his face in a full-blown smile completely free from worries and judgments. She flipped again to the page with the basketball team and saw him in front with one knee down, one up. His smile was still bright and bold, stretching across his face. She could see the muscles on his arms, exposed by the jersey, not quite as full as the older boys, but clearly strong.
Megan’s eyes drifted across the picture, searching until she landed on Hank Chapman. He looked so much like Troy but happier.
“Troy looks just like you.”
“When he smiles.”
Megan heard the regret in his voice. They both knew he didn’t do that anymore. What joy he had wouldn’t be around now given what had happened.
“I’m sorry about what happened.”
“He didn’t do it, but he won’t tell them that.”
Megan didn’t expect that. “He’s not going to defend himself?”