Page 21 of Rocked By Fate
“And why would I do this?”
“To ensure your daughters and son-in-law have financial security?” I throw out there, knowing damn well it has nothing to do with that. He’ll call my bluff. My siblings and I are set for the rest of our lives with his company alone if we want to be part of it. My brother and sister already are. I’m not against it, I’m just unsure. I have plenty of time to decide. Konnor’s dad is dying for Konnor to follow in his footsteps like he did with his dad. He, too, is successful.
He studies me for what feels like an eternity. “Or do you mean sons-in-law?” he asks, proving me right.
“It’s important to me for them to make it,” I answer, skating around what he’s asking.
“You expect me to be straight with you, Paxtyn, then you’re going to be straight with me. I’m not using my reputation for an insignificant fling.”
“Dad, your son-in-law is the guitarist.”
“Konnor and Presley aren’t asking for favors, you are.”
I huff, getting irritated. I’m fine with being emotional and open with Landon, not anyone else. Even with him, it’s taken some time to get to that point. “What do you want to know, Dad? I hate him being gone for two weeks at a time, but what’s the point of him changing jobs if it’s not something hewantsto do? And even if he won’t admit it to me, I know he still loves the music, the band. You have no idea how talented he is, they all are.”
“He’d be gone a lot longer on tour. You’re still in high school. And even after, I expect you to get an education. You know this. Not only that, but fame changes people. Options become endless. Be prepared for a challenging relationship.”
My heart rate skyrockets over everything he’s saying. I know how the music industry works. I live in California—the heart of it for all but country. By options he means groupies, girls willing to do anything to say they’ve been with someone famous, which is usually sex. I also know Landon, and the way he feels about cheating. I trust him. He could hurt me in a lot of ways, but he’d never hurt me that way. He’d dump me first. “I know. Still, the time apart would be worth it to me.”
“Why?” he prods, making me hate that he’s so intuitive.
“Because I love him!” I blurt out, hating to be put on the spot. “There, I said it. Are you happy now? You know I’m not emotional like Presley. I don’t wear my feelings. I’m also not into hooking up with every guy I hang out with like your son is doing with girls. I have standards. But even at seventeen, I know he’s different. It’s serious. I don’t have to date a roster of guys to know that. And unless something crazy happens, he’ll probably be the last one, so yes, I guess yoursons-in-law. I want to see him succeed, so if I have the tools to make it happen, I’m going to use them. It wasn’t his fault his bandmate lost someone, or Maddox’s, but they all stood behind him when they made the decision to decline a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And I’m smart enough to know that the way they’re going isn’t actually working. They’ll be middle-aged men still trying to get gigs at the rate they’re going. I’ve listened to their music. It drives me nuts that they’re basically stalling. I don’t know if Presley doesn’t pay attention or has forgotten, butIremember that you have contacts for agents, managers, producers, and every other bigwig imaginable, so I’m asking you, Dad, if you’ll put a bug in their ear, because you’re good at your job, and you have everyone’s respect that knows you. I won’t ever ask you for a favor like this again. You won’t regret it.”
I take a deep breath, and oddly, I feel lighter now that I’ve gotten all that out. Dad stares at me, not saying anything, which is worse than him yelling at me. “You make me damn proud, kiddo,” he finally says, causing my jaw to drop, and all I can do is blink at him like an idiot.
“What?” I whisper, trying to shut down the way my eyes are starting to blur.
“You make me proud, Paxtyn, you always have. I see a lot of myself in you.” He taps his desk with his index finger. “And when you graduate college, I want you here. Now, who was the headliner band?” I smile, realizing how much I am like him. Say your peace and then move on—a motto I live by daily. I guess he wants to keep it a family biz.
I grab my phone and pull up my music app, already keying the band name into the search bar. When their artist page comes up, I pass him my phone and wait patiently while he looks at it. When he hands it back to me, he says, “Send me the link. Does their band have anything like this?”
I nod. “Yes. Do you want me to send it too?”
“Yes. Upcoming artists are a dime a dozen. The more they have to make them stand out, the better. I’ll make a call, but I can’t promise anything will come of it.”
I stand, grabbing my keys. “Thanks, Dad. I’m leaving for the airport later. I’m not sure when I’ll see you again since you guys already went to see the baby. I may come back when Landon goes back offshore, and I may stay. I’m not sure which.”
He stands from his chair and rounds his desk. When he makes it closer, he pulls me in for a hug. It’s a big one, bringing my arms to his back where I grab his suit jacket in my fists. “I love you. Be safe. And let me know when you make it to your sister’s.”
“Okay,” I answer, breathing through my emotions.
“Your brother has the willpower to make something of himself, to bring something to the table by being better every day, by putting in the time, by learning this business from the front to the back. Your sister has the drive. She wants to be here. She just has other priorities that slow her down. But you, you’re the most like me. You have the guts to go after what you want, and the brains to accomplish it when you get there. Don’t let anyone change that about you.”
I close my eyes, stopping the tear before it falls. “I love you, Dad.”
I release him and turn for the door. When my hand grabs the knob, he calls out, “Paxtyn.” I glance over my shoulder. “Have a backup plan. Start with an open mic night. Places like that are usually crawling with people in the music industry scouting out talent. There should be plenty in a place like Miami. I’ll see what I can do.”
I nod and open the door, ready to get to my car before someone sees me cry. Open mic night. Easy peasy. Everyone is about to see what happens when a bitch is in love—she makes things happen.
Her plane landed about fifteen minutes ago, maybe a little longer. Watching the airport doors for her to come through from where I’m standing in front of my truck in the temporary parking zone is torture. I’ll admit that to no one.
I’ve been on edge since I hit land yesterday. Then I had an entire drive from Louisiana to Mississippi to think about the fact that I wasn’t going to see her for another full night. I’m used to having a one-track mind the second I get off work, and that’s usually set on autopilot for California, but it made no sense to waste money on airfare just to turn around and get on another plane to Miami.
I’m halfway. I wanted twenty-four hours alone with her before I have to listen to screaming babies and a house full of chaos.Babies. My life looks so fucking different these days.