Page 3 of Rocked By Fate
He goes lower and pushes two fingers inside, his kiss becoming one of sexual hunger, making it hard to focus on anything but wanting his dick inside me.Parking lot.“Wait,” I tell him, turning my head to stop for a second.
He almost cries as his forehead rests against my shirt, right above my boobs. “Almost two weeks. I’ve never been this guy. Baby, seriously, it’s cruel to slam the brakes when my dick is salivating for your pussy. I offered to leave.” He sighs like he’s trying his damnedest not to be an asshole. Oh, how things have changed . . . “Let’s go to the house.”
I roll my eyes. “Move your ass. Wait means like hold up a second, not wait I want to stop. God, some girls really mean what they say without a double meaning.” I shove him off, knocking him on the floorboard from his quick loss of balance on a narrow area. He groans from his side hitting the little hump in the middle, but I set my feet behind the two front seats and move my upper body between them. “My back windows are tinted. My windshield is not. I have one of those windshield shades that keeps the sun out in case someone comes to the parking lot. My mom is anal about keeping a car pristine. She bitches that after so long the sun starts drying out the dash. I just forget to use it half of the time.”
I reach up to the front of the car and grab the silver shade from the passenger floorboard, unfolding it and quickly shoving it on the dash to cover the entire windshield. My pants start coming down my legs as I work the shade into place and then lock the doors. I place my hands on the shoulders of the two front chairs, staring down at him as he lifts a foot to take my sandal and jeans off, staring at me. He then does the other, looking really uncomfortable down there. “I want to eat it.”
My face flushes, and I hate it. Regardless of how bold I am, I’m never prepared for Landon talking dirty to me. “Make that dessert for later. No room. No foreplay. I’ve missed you. I want to ride it so you can touch me.”
One second he was on the floor, and the next, he’s sitting in the middle of the backseat, pulling my ass on his bare lap by my hip and the white section of my long, iron-straightened Ombré hair. I can feel his skin against my bottom. He shoved his jeans down in the position change. He kisses my neck, making me tip my head in the opposite direction. “Shins on the seat.”
I do as he says, pulling each leg into a fold, shins down. His hands inch up my back, underneath my shirt, but instead of removing it, he just unhooks my bra. His hands veer to my front, taking a breast in each hand. The second he starts kneading them, I move the bottom of his shirt out of my way and my hips begin operating on their own accord, my middle grinding against his shaft. He accelerates my movements by pulling at my nipples. “Landon.”
“Only fucking girl that has every part of me is you.”
Shit. I can’t take it anymore. He knows how to make me hypersensitive emotionally. He happily gives me the affection I crave. Now that we’ve both finally caved, and we’re open, it’s like he needs someone that needs his affection.
I reach down between us and grab his dick, standing it tall to position myself over it, and then push my center on the head and down his length until my body possesses all of it. I pump frantically, needing more, my thighs burning from the work.
Heat fills the car.
One hand leaves a breast and comes back on an ass cheek, squeezing hard and pushing outward, which means he’s watching his dick go in and out of my body. It’s something he likes, like he needs to know he’s the one claiming me. Theonlyone.
I tip my head back, my crown resting against the front of his shoulder, and everything is forgotten but this moment. He rounds the hand on my ass to my front and starts fingering my clit again in just the right way. I often wonder if he’s good at this because he can strum a guitar. It’s better than wondering if it’s because he was previously a whore. Hopefully, I’ll never really know because he’s my only experience.
I turn my head slightly as he starts meeting me with his own thrusts, breathing heavily. “I love you,” I tell him, slowing down but not meaning to.
“Goddammit,” he bites out, before wrapping an arm around my waist and gyrates my center against him, taking all the work. I can feel it, my orgasm building. My palm finds the back of his head and I pull him into a kiss just before I fall over the edge. With every rock of my body on his I sink deeper into oblivion, unable to keep quiet even though his mouth is now locked with mine.
As my orgasm fades, he grips the bottom of my thigh with the hand not wrapped around my waist and starts bouncing me on his dick, hard and fast and without pause until he finally drops me down and stalls, coming inside of me. He grips my jaw and runs his lips everywhere, swallowing up every part of me. “I love you too. It’s like I can’t get enough of you.”
I try to lift off of him to turn around, but he stops me, keeping a part of his body inside of mine, with both arms now wrapped around my center and his forehead between my shoulder blades. I want to see him better.
His demeanor changes a little, like he doesn’t want me to be able to completely look him in the eyes. That’s not usually a good sign. “Landon?” I know the worry is evident in my tone. I’m only translucent with him.
“I’m considering giving it all up. This isn’t working for me anymore. I’m tired of living out of a suitcase. When I’m not working, I want to be home.”
Giving it all up? Home? What?! Is he referring to us? “You’re breaking up with me?” I ask in the flattest tone I can muster.
His arms uncoil from my body, and this time he lets me up. I quickly turn around, ready to cuss his ass out and throw a few punches. Maybe even plead my case on how perfect we are together, and that I know it’s a lot of work for him, but if he’ll just hang in there until I graduate, I’ll do whatever the hell he wants, go wherever he wants to go. College is college regardless of which one you choose. I don’t care where I go.
But he just stares at me, clearly a little agitated based on the look he’s wearing. “You’re acting seventeen again.”
My mouth opens, my jaw hanging a little, but then I let the sarcasm absorb into my panicking brain, and I hit him. “You scared the hell out of me, asshole.”
“Why the hell would you think I was talking about breaking up, Paxtyn? Are you fucking insane? Has anything I’ve said since I got here stuck? Why would I load you up with my cum if I was? You’ve had a period since I’ve been gone.”
My eyes narrow on him from his little attitude; although, he does have a point. I’m straddled over his softening dick. “Then what are you talking about?! You don’t just come at me with phrases that could mean multiple things.”
He clamps his hand on my jaw to stop me from talking and pulls me closer. “I’m talking about selling my place so I’m not paying for something I never occupy. I’m talking about moving here so when I come home I actually have all of my shit, like my dog, for one, or your dog. Fuck, I’m not sure who he belongs to anymore. When you’re with me he has nothing to do with me.” A smile starts small and quickly spreads, despite him gripping my face tight. “I’m sick and tired of being spread so thin and spending a small fortune in airfare, but at the same time, with you is the only place I want to be. You know what I think about at work? You. You know what I plan when I’m lying in bed on the rig? Flying here. Obviously, home isn’t home anymore, but I hate to waste money. That’s why I bought a trailer in the first place and put it on family land instead of building a house until I was older and more settled; you know, justin casesome girl hauled me off somewhere. I don’t make hasty decisions. If I’m going to do all that shit to be with you, I’m serious about this. You better be sure I’m what you want. I will bury you before you leave me, and we both know how I feel about cheating, so I need your thoughts on the matter.”
A tear falls out of each eye even though I’m smiling as big as his hand will allow. “Please don’t play with me. Are you serious?”
He loosens his grip and releases me, his arms returning around my waist in a different direction this time. He pulls me close. “Yes, baby, I’m serious. I’ve already talked to Konnor. I’ll pay his parents in rent what I was paying the bank for my trailer when it sells.”
My lip trembles. “You’d do that for me? Give up your drinking porch?”
He smirks at me like I’m joking and runs his fingers through my long, two-toned hair. The natural curl isn’t present, which is the way he prefers it. “It’s not enjoyable when my heart is somewhere else.”