Page 23 of Combust
Danny nods before heading to the bay.
My eyes follow, wishing all I have to do is wash trucks and make sure the bay is clean. Instead, I’m stuck trying to complete reports all day in between calls. There are many days where I wish I hadn’t moved up, hadn’t decided to take on more responsibility. However, I know at the time I said yes, I did so because I needed the pay increase. Being a single father with no support had been more than I’d bargained for.
I’ve never regretted one minute of taking care of Trinity but, as I get older, I’m wishing there was more time for everything.
For Trinity.
For me.
For both of us to find someone who loves us as much as we deserve to be loved.
My thoughts turn to Natalie. There’s a piece of my soul that’s beginning to think she’s the missing piece.
Right as those thoughts come to the forefront of my mind, someone I’ve been missing like crazy walks into the firehouse.
A round of shouts come up from all the guys. “Gauge! How’s it going?”
“It’s going,” he answers, accepting the handshakes from our team.
Behind him, Natalie and Trinity come in.
“I see you brought the scenery with you.” Chance winks at Trinity.
She’s had a crush on him for about a year and the way the blush covers her cheeks makes me dread when she becomes old enough to realize what those feelings mean.
“I mean.” Gauge smirks. “When ya got it, ya got it.”
He slowly makes his way over to me, taking the seat next to me. “Hey.” He bumps my shoulder with his good one.
“Missing you around here,” I tell him, my voice low.
“Yeah, I’m missing this place too,” he admits. “They tell me I can come back next week, though, on desk duty.” He snorts.
“Desk duty is better than no duty. I’m gonna be real honest. The station needs you. The guys need you in here and I do too. You’re part of the heart of this team and it’s been gone since you got hurt. They’re doing their jobs and going through the motions, but we’re missing that passion. Whether you’re out there with us or in here when we leave and get back, you’re an integral part of this team.”
Gauge hasn’t said a word since I started talking, but his eyes meet mine and there’s a bit of moisture there. In mine too. I was worried I’d never get the chance to talk to him again back when all of this started.
“I’m excited to be back,” he pushes out from what sounds like a tight throat. “I just hope everyone will be patient. I’m not the same guy I was.”
“No one expects you to be,and I don’t believe any of us are the same either. That day changed the entire town. We’re all still dealing with the fallout.”
He holds up his hand, indicating the burn mark, and his leg that just came out of a cast not long ago. “That we definitely are and will be for a while.”
Gauge gets up, walking over to where another groupie is waiting to greet him. Natalie takes the opportunity to come sit by me.
“Hey.” She grins.
“Hey.” I grin back at her. “How’s it going?”
“Good, Trinity was excited to go see Gauge and that put him in a good mood too. Better than he’s been in a while.”
“I think seeing him puts all of us in a good mood. It was much needed around here.” We’re quiet for a moment. She leans slightly into me. I take the opportunity to speak softly to her. I’m nervous about what I’m going to ask. It’s the first time I’m requesting something personal from her and I’m not sure how she’s going to react. “Can you stay late tonight? Be there for a while after I get home?”
She sighs. “I wish I could, but I’m going in to help Mia prep for the next few days. I promised I would be there.”
I’m slightly disappointed, but know she has the same sort of responsibilities I do. “I understand.”
“I want to,” she whispers. “So much. If you’d asked me two days ago, I’d have said yes. No doubt about it.”