Page 37 of Combust
“We haven’t seen each other in public, in a setting like this,since we started sleeping together,” I admit, not sure how to feel.
“So, you’ve got the tingles and you don’t know what to do with them.”
“What the fuck are the tingles?” I glance over at her, unsure of where she comes up with this stuff.
“Your body knows what it feels like to take him inside yours now and when you look at him, you just can’t help think about it,” she says like I’m stupid. “For instance, when I look at Danny, all I can think about is the way he tucks his face into my neck and does this crazy thing with his tongue. It gives me goosebumps.”
Glancing over at Cam, I realize the tingles are definitely there and I wonder just what in the hell he’s done to me. Just as I’m about to wave, Trinity makes a bee-line for me. Bending down to her level, I listen to her talk a mile a minute, excited about having Cam come to her school and see what she does all day.
“Trin, give her a break.” Cam’s voice breaks the chatter.
“Sorry.” Trinity grabs hold of my waist, hugging me tightly. “I talked a lot there, didn’t I?”
“You did.” I laugh. “But it’s okay.”
Cam’s eyes catch mine. “Maybe we can make it up to you? How’d you like to have dinner with us?”
“We’re having pizza!”
Cutting my eyes to Trinity, I grin. “What a surprise. Sure, I’d love to go with you all.”
“Follow us?” He asks, reaching out to take my hand in his.
Hayden is all but forgotten as I nod. “Meet y’all out there in a few minutes.”
* * *
My thigh touchingCam’s warms as I scoot into the booth next to him. We’re sitting on one side while Trinity sits on another. “Let me guess.” Cam smiles over at his daughter. “You want a cheese pizza with light red sauce?”
She nods, smiling back at him.
“What are you going to get?” I lean into him, letting our elbows touch. “Supreme is my favorite, but if you want something else, I’d be willing to change.”
“No, supreme sounds good.”
The waitress comes over, taking our orders, leaving us by ourselves. Uncomfortable with being in such a public place, I turn to what I know; Trinity. “How did your conference go.”
“I talk to much.”
I laugh, not at all surprised. “Join the club, girlfriend.”
“Oh she has.” Cam laughs. “But she’s smart and she’s doing well. Which honestly has more to do with you than with me, so thank you for taking such good care of her.”
“She’s easy to take care of.”
He grabs hold of my thigh under the table. “Thank you so much for realizing that, and for loving her the way you do.”
“No matter what happens, you never have to wonder.”
“I know, that’s the one constant we have in our lives.”
“Thanks for comingto work out with me.” Gauge grunts as he lifts the weight over his head then brings it back down. He’s not going as quickly as he used to and there’s a part of me that wonders if he’ll ever be the person he was before the forest fire. I would never say those words aloud, but they’re in the back of my head.
“No problem.” I stand over him, spotting as he continues to press the bar. We haven’t worked out together in a while and, the truth is, we haven’t seen each other either. Part of that is because we have differing schedules; the other part is I’m trying to avoid him. With one look, I know he can see right through me and he’ll know I’m developing feelings for his sister.