Page 44 of Combust
“No, no you aren’t. You have to understand where I’m coming from here. When we’re out in the field, I put my life in his hands. I have to come home to Trin.”
“Stop using her as an excuse,” Natalie yells.
“She’s my life.”
“She’s your crutch.” Her face is twisted and ugly in a way I’ve never seen it before. “You don’t think everybody who knows Trinity cares for her? She creeps under every defense and into their hearts, just like you do. I can’t count the number of people who would die for that little girl, including you. Not to fucking mention, if you think my brother would do anything to purposely harm you so you wouldn’t be able to come home to her, you’ve got more issues than I thought. Stop using every bad situation you’ve had as a reason not to live your life. It’s passing you by, Cameron. You’re never going to be able to get this time back.”
“So, you’re saying you won’t wait?” My heart is pounding. “We’re not worth enough for you to wait and see where things end up?”
“That’s bullshit and you know it. Things are going to end up right where they’ve been for the past three years. It’ll be status quo because you’re too fuckin’ scared to put yourself out there, but you’re not too scared to let my brother tell you what to do.”
Her words are a blow to my chest and pride. “That was low, Nat.”
“I could go lower, but you aren’t worth it. Until you get your head out of your ass, you’re not going to see what’s right here in front of you. I’m ready. I’m willing. I love you and I love her.” She bites her lip, shrugging. “But that’s not going to be enough is it? It’s not a guarantee and that’s what you want. Well guess what, Cam. Life isn’t guaranteed. It’s not always pretty and it doesn’t always make a lot of sense. One thing I do know? If you’d give me the chance, I’d show you the best of what life has to offer. But I won’t beg for it and I won’t allow you and my brother to tell me what I have permission to do and what I don’t. So for now? You don’t get the privilege. I’ll still be here to look after Trin, but as for us, until you figure out who you are, we’re done.”
She turns on her heel, leaving me standing in the crowd by myself.
It isn’t often that a crowd in Bradford is silent, but this one is. A pin drop can be heard, which is why when Mia speaks, it can be heard so clearly.
“Welp LT, you done fucked up. How are you planning on fixing this one?”
Truth is, I wish I knew.
“Nat!”Cam yells as he chases me. His feet beating against the asphalt as he gains on me. I want to run, but I don’t want to call more attention to us than I already have.
I head for the parking lot, only to remember I rode here with Cam, and right now he’s the person I want to see the least.
When I get to his truck, I beat my palms against the hood in frustration.
I’m cornered and I have nowhere to go.
“Please listen to me.” Cam begs.
“You had no right!” I scream as I face Cam, hurt worse than I’ve ever been in my life. I watched him and Gauge do some stupid shit as teenagers, but this takes the cake. How he can stand here acting like he doesn’t care is beyond me.
He shrugs, rolling his lips. “What did you expect me to do? He’s my best friend.”
Fuck, that’s painful. Not that I ever expected to be more to him than Gauge is, but I hoped I would be on the same level. “And all I am is the woman taking care of your daughter and warming your bed, right? What Gauge would’ve said had you not stopped him. Bros before hoes.”
“That’s not true and you know it,” he argues, those blue eyes of his turning almost black.
Huffing, I get all up in his business. I refuse to shrink away and let him pretend like my feelings don’t matter at all. “Is it not? You’re willing to give me up, but not him.”
This fucking hurts. Worse than I thought it would.
“You don’t understand, Nat.”
“No, I don’t. So why don’t you help me? Why is he so much more important than me?” My bottom lip is quivering and I hate it. This show of vulnerability could possibly be my undoing.
“He’s always been there for me…”
My teeth grit together. “And so have I. I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked of me because I love that little girl…” I stop, breathing heavily and letting out every emotion that’s built up. “And you.”