Page 4 of The Immortal Tailor
“And Damien?” Cimil added. “You cannot fail. I need my husband back the way he was. He’s far too squishy and human now. It’s all wrong for my spirited lovemaking.”
Her husband was a vampire. Or used to be. “I will do my best.”
“We will be expecting an update in three days. I’ll text you the location along with the details on the fairy sighting. Oh, and if I were you, I’d be nice to MF. She cuts off people’s ears if they twist her panties the wrong way.”
“Excellent,” he said drably. “I’ll go remove the customer comment box now.”
Cimil saluted him, threw an invisible rifle over her shoulder, and marched out.
Moments later, MF entered the workshop, blowing a bubble with her pink gum. “So, you gonna train me or what, Jeeves?”
Damien narrowed his eyes. He could not leave his store in the hands of this poorly dressed savage. Perhaps he could call in a favor from one of his friends to watch the shop for a few days. He knew a few people who at least spoke properly.
“You look like you might have a headache coming on.” He dug a ten out of his billfold and handed MF the money. “Buy some chocolate on the way home. We’ll start in the morning.”
She snatched up the ten. “Naw, I’m good. But I got stuff to do anyway. See ya in the morning.”
She marched out, leaving him perplexed. What could possibly have inspired Cimil to bring this woman of poor breeding to his shop?
“Hey, man. I got nothing from her,” Bonbon said, appearing next to Damien’s perfectly polished wingtips. “She was even rubbing my tummy. Got close to my cock, too. Which, hehe, you know how much I like.”
Damien shook his head. “You are vile.”
But this was very interesting; MF had been unaffected by a love-sucking demon. Perhaps the woman was hiding much more than feelings of insecurity.
“Are you certain you cannot rearrange your mother’s funeral?” Damien asked the next morning, holding his cell to his ear.
The call went dead.
“Some friend you are.” Damien set his phone next to the register and crossed off the final name on his list.
“Another no?” asked Bonbon.
“I saved that man’s life. Twice. Is it too much to delay his mother’s funeral by a few days? She’s already dead. It will not matter to her.”
“What an asshole. Want a hug?” Bonbon wagged his little white tail.
Bonbon rolled his golden eyes. “I’d call you a dick, but we both know you don’t have one.”
“My equipment is just fine. Thank you very much.” Damien opened the register and broke open a roll of quarters to fill the tray.
“But you never use it, which is practically the same as not having a dick. I could give you a few pointers with the ladies if you want.”
How much more of this demon could he take? “You know very well why I cannot have relations.”
“Youcould. You just don’t want to.”
True. Because anyone he got close to died. It was part of his curse. The only reason Bonbon still lived was because Damien felt nothing for the creature. He provided the demon shelter out of principle.“If someone saves your life, you owe them a debt,”his father used to say.“And a man should never be beholden to anyone.”In other words, pay your debts so people cannot hold anything over you.
Not quite working out so well, is it?he thought. His debt to Bonbon now had him doing a “favor” for the gods.
“It is called doing the right thing,” Damien grumbled. “Something you know nothing about.”
“Pfft!I know right from wrong. I just like wrong better.” Bonbon bent his head, stuck one hind leg straight in the air, and started licking his crotch.