Page 42 of The Immortal Tailor
“I don’t know. Some transportation service. My sister arranged the ride. Which reminds me, I need to text her about that. The driver was really weird and possibly drunk.”
Suspicious. “How weird?”
“She had this tiny voice and kept telling us to pet her little brown dog in the backseat.” Amelia shook her head. “It was the strangest thing, because Miguel and I started doing it, and we fell asleep. I need to get one of those for insomnia.”
Damien tilted back his head.Very crafty, ghost. Very crafty.Sky had picked up her sister, had Pet speak for her—likely hiding inside her hat or whatnot—and then Gorgonzolina had drained them so they’d take a nap.
Amelia added, “I have the strangest headache.” She sighed. “Anyway, here we are.” Amelia folded her arms over her chest.
Do not look at the ample bosoms of the lovely lady.
“So, now you want to tell me why you said my sister is dead? Because that’s pretty messed up. You two fight or something before she left?”
“Left for where?”
“Something to do with an investigation she’s doing. She said she’d be out of town for a while.”
Of course Sky would say that.
“You are absolutely correct. We had a disagreement, and I was out of line for that comment. I was…I am merely upset that your sister invited you to stay here after I said no. That is why she and I fought. It’s also why you must go. I-I have someone coming—”
“I promise Miguel and I won’t get in the way. And I can help out around the house. Looks like you could use the help.”
“No. No. I cannot have a woman here. My fiancée is coming over, and she will not appreciate you being here.”
Her eyes went wide. “Oh! Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize…” She let out a breath. “Crap. I feel so embarrassed now. I just don’t know why Sky would put us in this situation.”
Because first she lost her body and now has lost her mind.
Amelia’s phone buzzed. “There she is now.” Her eyes scanned the message. “Huh, that’s strange. She says to tell you that if you do this one favor for her, all will be forgiven. She’ll never bother you again.” Amelia frowned and gave him a consoling look. “Listen, I don’t want to pry into my sister’s relationship with you, but you don’t owe me anything. Miguel and I will find a hotel somewhere. We’ll make it work.”
Relief washed over him. “Thank you for understanding.” Sky had seriously crossed a line. Why would she place her sister in such danger?
“I’ll go tell Miguel. He got wrapped up in your study. You have quite the collection of books on the occult.”
More unwelcome guests touching his things. This time, his priceless books.
“We’ll be out of your way in a few minutes,” she added.
“Good luck.” He closed the bedroom door behind her. That was a close call. He’d almost gotten distracted by her looks. Why hadn’t Sky mentioned they were so similar?
“Sky, if you’re here listening. You crossed a line tonight. You asked me to protect your sister. Why are you not doing the same?”
He waited for a text on his phone or for Pet to magically appear, but nothing happened.
“Fine, this is not over, crazy ghost!” He was about to pull down his boxers to shower when there was a light knock on the bedroom door. “Hey, um. There’s a woman downstairs asking for you,” said Amelia. “And she’s naked.”
Damien parked a fist on his hip. This could not be happening. Who could it possibly be? “What is her name?”
“She won’t talk to anyone but you.” Amelia added, “She said you saved her life tonight?”
The were-eagle?
Damien found the were-eagle, now in human form, sitting naked on his couch with a gray pillow hugged to her chest.
Wonderful.Now he was going to have to steam clean that.