Page 61 of The Immortal Tailor
“What?” Damien hoped Bonbon was joking.
“MF said you were looking a little rough after going into beast mode last night. She thought it would be helpful to get the lay of the land.”
That was incredibly reckless. The event had been organized specifically to lure immortal creatures.
Bonbon turned his head. “Oh, hey, Sky.” Bonbon’s little white ears darted straight up. “Oh, guess you were right again, Damien.”
“What’s wrong. What happened?”
“Sky says the metal detectors are rigged. MF was nabbed the minute she walked through them with Pet in her pocket. Some security guards dragged them off.”
Dear gods.“Does Sky know where they were taken?”
“She says they’re in some trailer with cages in the back parking lot,” Bonbon explained.
“I will go dress and leave immediately.”
Bring the weapons, tailor. All of them this time.
Damien did not have a choice. He would have to cut the power to the detectors, too. Who knew how many immortals might show up to the event.
He looked down at the little demons.
“Bonbon, Gorgonzolina, exactly how much energy can you spare?”
“I need you to short out the transformers supplying the festival.” Tripping a fuse simply wouldn’t do the trick. They needed the entire event to be a no-go. And little-known fact: love-sucking demons were like supernatural batteries. When they liked, they could set off a charge.
“We’ll be very hungry after.” Bonbon blinked his big golden eyes.
“I will make sure you both get all the affection you can handle.” It was a festival. The power would be out. The attendees would have little else to do while they sat around.
“What are you waiting for? Get our leashes, man.” Bonbon smiled. “We’re going to a festival.”
“God, I love being married to you. It is very exciting,” Gorgonzolina muttered.
Damien parked in the back employee lot, giving a hundred-dollar bill to the security guard, who’d asked for his credentials and did not buy Damien’s story that the little dogs belonged to Lady Yaya, one of the headliners, who apparently made a name for herself by yodeling while playing an electric guitar.
That was the draw for the immortal creatures to come to this festival. Many loved yodeling. Also, the human crowd tended to do a lot of shrooms, which probably made it easier for creatures, like the fairies, to dance out in the open.
Damien took a quick survey of the parking lot area, which was jam-packed with food trucks for the employees, cars, and semis, likely used to transport the equipment. Hundreds of people milled in the parking lot, gathering supplies and heading to the big tents on the other side of the fairgrounds.
Damien gathered his two Chihuahuas from the backseat and walked them with leashes to a grassy patch near a guarded enclosed tent. The portable power station. Unfortunately, the festival had had the foresight to set up gas generators as backups just outside.
“That is not good,” Damien muttered while Bonbon sniffed around for a place to pee. “The second we knock out the main power, those generators will kick on.”
“Leave it to us.” Bonbon finished his business and kicked up some grass. “When we’re done, we’ll wait for you by the car.”
Damien casually unhooked their leashes, and the two dogs sniffed their way into the bushes.
Damien tucked the leashes into his bag of weapons and started walking toward a row of silver trailers clear on the other side of the parking lot. “Sky, if you can hear me, tell Pet I’m on my way. Be ready to run.”
Unfortunately, she wasn’t answering him back. Maybe she was too drained, or perhaps she knew showing herself in a public place might not be in the interest of rescuing Pet and MF.
Suddenly, a staff member came running from the festival area out to the lot. “I’m checking now!” the guy called out on his radio.
The power was out.