Page 64 of The Immortal Tailor
“Step away from the fairy,” Damien growled.
The man looked up, startled. “Who the hell are you?”
“I am the man who is about to end your life. Now step away from my critter.”
“Damien,” Pet’s little groggy voice whimpered. “It hurts. I can’t feel my wings.”
The vet’s eyes were wide with terror. “Okay, but if you give me a chance, I can put them back on.”
Damien frowned.
“It’s not too late,” the vet urged.
Shit. Really? I just want to kill the guy, tailor.
Damien did, too, but fairies needed their wings. “Do it.”
The vet grabbed them from a little bowl on the table and started sewing. “See? They’ll reattach.”
“Why are you taking her wings to begin with? What are you doing with all the creatures in the trailer?”
The man clamped his lips shut.
“Tell me now, or I will cut off your wings next.” Damien wiggled the knife.
“They’re used in some sort of product, I think.”
“What do you mean?” Damien asked.
“I don’t know. Six months ago, some man came in and said he’d pay me money for harvesting parts. Five hundred per animal when they bring them in. A thousand if I source my own creatures. I really needed the money, and they said these things had to be put down anyway. They kill people.”
“Does that tiny purple fairy look like she goes around murdering humans?”
Just then, Pet wiggled out from under the tape and bit the vet’s hand with her sharp teeth.
“Ow!” He snapped his hand away, cradling it against his chest.
“What are you harvesting?” Damien asked.
“Depends. Wings, fangs, were hearts. There’s a list. I have to do the procedures quickly while the animals are still alive, or the parts are no good. Then I pack them on dry ice and ship them off.”
Damien suddenly realized that the den of depravity in the Browns’ basement had not been a sexual torture chamber. It had been another one of these harvest centers. They’d been sourcing their own immortals for the bonus cash. Then they’d likely abandoned ship after the story broke about sex trafficking.That’s why there were creature parts in the trash. They had to skip town.
“Where are the parts sent?” Damien asked.
The vet pulled out his phone and read off the address.
Damien’s knees went weak. It was the same address in downtown LA that Cimil had given him.
“What is the name of the company that pays you?” Damien muttered.
“SBP Pharma.”
What the fuck was going on? “You will release the creatures in the trailer brought to you. You will shut down this clinic. You will move somewhere far, far away, or I will send creatures after you that are so terrifying, you will prefer to take your own life than be ravaged by them.”
The vet nodded.
“Do it now. Sky, stay here until they’re all free.”