Page 73 of The Immortal Tailor
Hello to all my mortal friends!
I hope you enjoyed the introduction to theImmortal Tailorcrew. As I’m sure you guessed, Damien will continue to face new challenges in each book, in addition to dealing with his own mess of a life.
But what the heck is Cimil up to? Giving him two partners? Two different women who have a deep connection with him? I smell trouble! Especially because, well, there are technically TWO MEN living inside him. This triangle could turn into something far messier. A square? We shall see!
So expect to get to know Pet, MF, Willa, Sky, Bonbon, Gorgonzolina, Damien, and the Beast much better in future “episodes.”
At the moment, while Damien solved the mystery behind the trafficking ring, he still has to deal with SBP, the governor, and whoever sent that photo of him in beast mode. And was Cimil telling the truth about the blast? Is it over for the immortals who were sent to the Underworld?
This is going to get good.
Book two can be found here:
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And now on to your favorite part. Free bookmarks!
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STEP FOUR:Give me about 3–4 weeks. I’m pretty slow at getting mail out, but I do get to it. I send email confirmations once they go.
Thank you for coming along on this book journey with me!
Book # 58! Woo-hoo! I can hardly believe I’ve officially hit the ten-year mark for writing. Of course, when I started withAccidentally in Love with…a God?I had no idea that my “fun little project” would turn me and my family down an entirely new path.
Ten years later, I still don’t know where this is heading, but I do know I’m grateful every day for all the fans, family, and professionals who keep me going.
Thank you!
And a big shout-out to LD, Kelli, Pauline, Paul, and Jaycee, who put pieces of their brains into the book.
With Love,
“Godsdammit. I’m going to need a snack.” Zac, God of Temptation and the most awesome motherfucking badass deity on the planet, took his Bionic Man lunchbox from his black leather backpack, placed it on his desk, and went for his bologna sandwich.
“Fuck. Me. This can’t be happening,” he whispered and tore off a big bite while staring at the computer screen.One hundred and fifty?They hadn’t even been open for a day.
His computer made that strange little swoosh sound, indicating more of this “email” crap was flowing into his “inbox.”
He took another bite and nearly choked. “What the bloody hell?” Now two hundred and eighty immortals had filled out the online request form.
He looked over his shoulder, across the empty space of the twentieth floor, which they’d rented in downtown L.A. The big corner office remained empty.