Page 24 of The Deceptive Earl
She was relieved when the conversation took a more agreeable turn. The few remaining gentlemen went in search of libations. It was far too hot in the crowded room to not have something to sip on for relief. Charity’s fan was doing little but moving the hot air around.
After the gentlemen’s removal from the conversation, the topic would not be squashed. The whispers were too rabid to be put to rest. “Ah, there is the reprobate,” Flora whispered.
“Is he here?” inquired Charity looking from Lavinia to Flora “Surely not.” Perhaps he had not the gall to show his face in a crowd after such a recent revelation.
“He is. No, don’t look now,” Lavinia warned as Charity attempted to look over her shoulder. “He is walking with your brothers,” she informed the Poppy sisters. Her tone revealed that she was displeased that James had run to speak to the object of their conversation, perhaps to warn him of the rumor. “I would have thought better of your brother.”
James, as if aware of their speculation glanced in the ladies’ direction.
Flora smiled down into her cup, a blush coloring her cheeks. She lifted her brown eyes and met Charity’s sharp blue ones.
“James would not be friends with him if he were such a villain,” Flora defended Wentwell. He is forward and roguish, but I do not think he would…” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I mean, there is Miss Danbury, but she has always been a bit of a hoyden, hasn’t she?”
“You only have to look at how she dresses,” Roberta added.
Charity suddenly felt self-conscious of her low cut neckline and obscured it with her fan.
The girls tittered their agreement.
“Well,” Charity said sharply, snapping her fan shut, she folded her hands primly around it. “If he is so roguish, I shall have nothing at all to do with him. I am looking for a husband, not a dalliance, and so should you be.” Charity tried to put on a serious face for the young ladies. After all she was several years the girls’ senior, save for Alfreda.
Charity assured herself she wanted nothing more to do with the gentleman. “We shall not risk our reputations for his entertainment,” She reopened her fan and wafted it in from of her face as if she could wave the entire matter away as easily.
“Thank you, Charity,” Julia put into the conversation. “We are married ladies now. Lavinia and I are under obligation to set an example for the young ladies, especially those in their first season.” Julia threw the young Francesca a look.
“You are quite right, Julia,” Lavinia said primly, as if finally realizing what they had been discussing. “It is not seemly for any lady to engage in gossip, and this is not at all proper genteel conversation for a lady, especially, an unmarried lady.”
Francesca giggled.
“What is so funny,” Lavinia demanded.
“You, a proper married lady,” Francesca said.
Captain Jack Hartfield and Baron Fawkland had returned to the group with cups of lemonade to go around. “Who is a proper married lady?” the captain asked as he offered a cup to his wife, and the other ladies.
“Why, Lavinia,” Charity said, thinking that she wanted most of all to be a proper married lady herself. “And of course, Julia, but Julia has ever been proper.”
Lavinia feigned dismay and slapped Charity with her fan. Charity grinned at her.
“Yes,” the Baron said, as he touched his wife’s shoulder. “And although it is not quite the fashion to dance with one’s wife, I would like to borrow this married lady for a twirl around the floor.” He caught Julia’s hand and she looked into his face with such unabashed love, that it hurt Charity’s heart. Was it possible for her to find such a true love, or was it already too late for her?
Chapter Eleven
It was with a heavy heart that Charity partnered with Mr. Fulton, one of James’s friends. He was a perfect gentleman throughout, and when he escorted her back he bowed politely, but Charity’s eyes were already on the dancers that were lining up for the next set, a quadrille. The rogue, Neville Collington, The Earl of Wentwell, had apparently asked Miss Macrum for a dance. It would have been impolite to refuse, but Charity thought she would have done so, if she had been a dear friend of the woman he had so recently ruined. Flora Muirwood joined Charity; and James and Michael Poppy appeared, most solicitously, with refreshment for the two girls. The ghost a frown passed James’ face as Michael asked Flora to partner him for the dance, and Charity expected James to ask her to dance as well. He did so with an affected pomp that made Charity smile.
Upon the arm of her friend, James Poppy, Charity allowed herself to be led to the floor. With the Poppy brothers lined opposite, the other positions were soon filled in with nearby dancers. Charity averted her eyes and raised her chin as she saw Lord Wentwell and Miss Macrum join the adjacent set.
Let them, she thought. At least I shall not have to clasp hands with him for he is not my opposite.
The music began and Charity allowed James to parade her in the circle alongside his brother and Flora. Whenever they passed Lord Wentwell and his partner, it was polite to give a small nod of acknowledgement, but Charity could not bring herself to smile. Instead, she narrowed her eyes, gave her nod, and moved on as she might if she had never met the man. He seemed surprised, at first, by her ability to ignore him in such a smooth manner. Charity did not care. She would do nothing to encourage any further interactions.
She focused her attention entirely on her partner, and their friends across the way.
It was not until the set was nearly complete that she sensed something amiss. The pair, Miss Macrum and Lord Wentwell, had appeared to get on well enough during the dance. The lady had showered her partner with smiles and whispered words. Charity imagined she was passing some secret message from her friend, to Lord Wentwell. However, Lord Wentwell seemed rather put out by the exchange. Instead of encouraging the flirtations, he gave hardly a response and a tic began to jump in his clenched jaw.
James lay a hand on her arm as the quadrille ended. “Walk with me and take a moment to catch your breath. I have something I would like to ask you.” James murmured.