Page 78 of Wager on Love
She nodded and smiled blindingly at him, her heart so filled with happiness that she thought it must surely burst.
“I will. But do not think for a minute that I am going to forget that you have vowed to spend your life in devotion to me.” Her eyes twinkled with mirth.
“Certainly not, nor would I expect you to. May I begin, then?”
“Please.” Charlotte raised herself on the tips of her satin slippers, tilting her face up for his kiss.
Sir John bent to her. He intended a soft chaste kiss, to seal their renewed betrothal, but he should have known that kissing Charlotte would never be less than soul rocking passion. When their lips touched, the desire contained within him burst forth. Heat traveled through him with the strength of a raging forest fire. When she opened her mouth beneath his, he was lost. A voice in the back of his mind said he should stop. He should have some restraint and care for her reputation, but she had said yes. She. Had. Said. Yes.
Everything in him wanted to claim her as his own, and yet, somehow, when he deepened the kiss, he knew he was the one who was falling, more hopelessly and deeply in love. He reached up to touch her golden curls.
Charlotte kissed him back with all the passion she had within her, throwing her arms around his neck and clinging to him. She knew what she must look like and she didn’t care. She had found true love at last. Luckily, they were shielded by the screening branches of a potted palm.
* * *
Across the room,Jane stood with her hand on her husband’s arm. “I do believe you will be walking Charlotte down the aisle after all,” she predicted. Keegain followed her gaze and hissed.
Jane’s hand tightened, stopping Keegain from drawing attention to the couple by going to them. “Do not make a scene, Love,” she said softly as the couple at last broke apart and joined the others on the dance floor. Charlotte was particularly flushed.
“I thought you talked to Charlotte about propriety,” Keegain said.
“I did,” Jane said with a twinkle in her eye. “I told her that the library is much more private than a dance floor.”
“The library is ours,” Keegain grumbled, but Jane just smiled at her husband, as a group of gentlemen came over to ask about his mother’s charity. Jane greeted them and watched the happy couple take the dancefloor. She held her husband’s arm and thought all was right with the world. John reverently kissed Charlotte’s gloved hand and as the gentle tones of the waltz rose up, he took her in his arms.
* * *
The villains who had accosted Lady Charlotte were apprehended. Madeline was transported, but Collette said she did not need a companion any longer. She had a daughter now.
“Indeed,” Charlotte agreed. “My family is your family. You shall have all of the Keenings at your disposal.”
The watch recovered Henri Toussaint’s body from the sea, but the Sancy Diamond was not found on his person. He had only a strange book of codes that Reynolds said he would give over to Lord Blackburn. The earl had greater knowledge of such things. The Sancy Diamond was gone.
“Good riddance,” Collette stated. “I told you. It was cursed.”
Although the diamond disappeared, there was a cache of contraband in the cove. For John’s part in recovering it, Reynolds offered him a position with the watch. The pay was small, but with the addition of Charlotte’s dowry they were able to obtain a small estate only a few hours ride from Kennett Park. Charlotte and John found themselves making the ride often, lingering along the trails. Sir John and the new Lady Ashbrooke settled into their life together and the months past, but lately, Charlotte had begged off of riding, once again saying that she was tired.
“I am worried about you,” Sir John insisted. “This constant fatigue is unlike you.”
Charlotte had to agree. After some convincing, she allowed John to send for a physician.
“I cannot lose her,Maman,” he said, as he paced. He was terrified that Charlotte had contracted some awful illness. Collette sat with Charlotte while the doctor saw to her.
Sir John waited impatiently for the man to tell him what he might do to save her. He imagined all sorts of horrible illnesses that could take his love from him. He had only just found her. Surely, God would not be so cruel.
“Lots of rest,” the physician said as he at last emerged with his black bag. “And make sure she has enough to eat.”
“Yes. Yes,” John said. “Whatever she needs.”
He was surprised to find his mother smiling when he entered Charlotte’s room, but Charlotte had tears shining in her amber eyes.
“What is it,ma Belle?” John asked, his stomach dropping. He knelt by the bed. “What can I do to help? Are you in pain?”
“Non,” Charlotte said. Her school room French, having greatly improved conversing daily with Collette. “Jean, tu vas entre Père.”
“Père?” he repeated in amazement. “I’m going to be a father?”