Page 45 of A Mayfair Maid
“Kate, come with me this moment,” Mrs. Cavendish appeared at midday to retrieve Marilee from the washroom. With a fretful glance toward Peggy, Marilee did as she was told. She followed the head housekeeper up the staircase and down the hall to Lady Lydia’s chamber.
“She’ll see you within,” was all that the older woman said before taking her leave.
Marilee’s hand hovered at the door handle, fear racing through her as a thousand scenarios plagued her mind. Could this be it? Could this be the moment where it all came to a head and crashed down about her? She allowed herself several steadying breaths before she felt collected enough to enter.
When she did, she was met by not only Lady Lydia but another female as well.
“Kate, I would like to introduce you to Hetty,” Lady Lydia said without preamble.
Marilee nodded her greeting but allowed the confusion to show upon her face. Why the lady would be introducing her to this Hetty, another maid it seemed, was beyond her comprehension. It was not the way of the house to make introductions between the staff as faces were so often coming and going that it was a waste of time. Furthermore, interactions between the maids were not only discouraged but prevented by their hefty workloads.
“Hetty has been sent to us to complete her training as a lady’s maid,” Lady Lydia explained with her features wrinkled with distaste. “It has been requested that I hold her on trial to see if she truly possesses the skills that she claims; if she is up to snuff to serve such an honorable lady. She shall not be here for long, but for the time being, she shall be performing your duties and you shall return to the wash until such a time as I require your services.”
Hetty smirked at her which made Marilee wonder if she had been stolen or had chosen this life.
“Yes, Lady,” Marilee swallowed deeply. In a usual household such a demotion would signify a substantial loss of income and status, but in Blackwell house, where they were not paid, one’s position hardly mattered. They were all merely chattel. Besides, she thought, she would rather spend her days with Peggy. Marilee was glad that she had observed what she could above stairs.
She turned to take her leave, holding back the smile that threatened to break forth. This must have been the cause of Lady Lydia’s mood earlier. She did not care to be put out and if the brothel, or whatever other place might have sent the poor girl, had thrust the maid upon Lady Lydia it must be to determine her worth in later sale. Marilee felt for the girl. She hoped Hetty could live up to her word. If she did possess skill as a maid then it might very well save her from the prospect of whoredom, but if she had lied to avoid such a fate, the retribution would be swift and exacting.
“One more thing,” Lady Lydia crooned before Marilee could leave the room. Marilee stopped and turned back to look at the foul mistress. “Mr. Crowley…”
Marilee felt her pulse quicken. Thought flew through her mind and none of them were good. Had Lord Edward’s untoward actions been outed? Had he declared offence against Mr. Crowley? Did they know she had kissed the solicitor? Was she, herself, about to be reprimanded for the dalliance with Mr. Crowley or even the ill-fated forced attempts of the lady’s own lover? Oh dear, Marilee thought. She could see no way around the punishment if they had found out any of it.
“What of him?” Marilee asked with a smooth voice that she was glad covered the quiver in her throat.
“I am told that he has not visited this week,” Lady Lydia turned to the mirror as she spoke and pinched her cheeks. “And after he sent you a flower.” Her eyes narrowed. “What have you done? Has he been put off?”
“Not… not that I am aware of…” Marilee spluttered wondering what Lady Lydia thought of the flower delivery. She forever felt as if she were walking over thin ice.
“Hmm…” Lady Lydia huffed and threw herself into the chair before her dressing table, and waved at Hetty who picked up the brush. “I am afraid that he has been discovered to be back to his old manner of sleuthing around where he has no need to be. I had thought that his entendre for you would keep his mind off of my business.”
“Is that so?” Marilee did her best to feign disinterest. Inside, however, her heart was pounding and fear had begun to take hold. Wasn’t his business supposed to be the business of a solicitor? She wondered, and yet not the criminal actions of her ladyship.
“Yes, well, I had hoped that you understood the need to distract him.” Lady Lydia turned her piercing blue gaze to Marilee who stood frozen in the door, causing Hetty to have to adjust to her movement. “It was my instruction. Was it not clear?”
“It was, my lady,” Marilee replied. Embarrassed, she met Hetty’s eyes over Lady Lydia’s head, but Hetty silently went back to her brushing.
Marilee wracked her brain for how she might smooth over this situation. She had visited with the solicitor every evening until recently. How, if she were not permitted to leave the house, could she be expected to require the man to appear?
“Well, he is not distracted enough,” Lady Lydia spat. “He has been poking his nose where it ought not to be, and I simply will not have it.”
“W-what am I to do about it?” Marilee wondered aloud.
Lady Lydia sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose as if she felt the matter obvious and was put out by the need to explain.
“Must I be blunt? Seduce him, of course,” she scoffed. “You can manage that, can you not? From what I understand, it should not be difficult. He has already been slathering after you.” Hetty’s brushing stopped and she held the brush aloft over Lady Lydia’s head.
Marilee’s mouth dropped open in shock. Never in her life did she think that she would be given such instruction by a lady of noble birth, nor hear such crude language spoken aloud. Miss Caroline certainly would never have dreamed to suggest that Marilee use her feminine wiles against a man.
Of course, Marilee was attracted to Mr. Crowley. Their kiss in the garden made that quite clear, but Lady Lydia could not know that. Could she? Did she really find it so commonplace to ask a maid to lure a man’s attentions for duplicitous means?
When Marilee could not find that words to respond, Lady Lydia continued. “I am not asking you to care for the cit. Only to make him care for you,” she explained as if Marilee were a dullard. “The man could do with a new focus. What else can draw the male attention away from other pursuits than the call of a woman?” Lady Lydia laughed. “Bring him round, and should he lose his way again, then a little heartbreak will occupy him for a while more. At least it better,” she snapped, her voice becoming hard. “If you know what’s good for you.”
“I...,” Marilee began, quite uncertain as to what she should say to that threat, but she was relieved of answering, since Lady Lydia interrupted as if she had not spoken at all.
She spun to face Marilee. “He will not want to be here to be reminded of it. A man ought to have his heart broken at least once in his life, and Mr. Crowley seems too green by half in that regard.” She looked at Marilee through narrowed eyes. “He is far too focused on his career, and my business, for a man in his prime. Honestly, you’ll be doing him a favor.”
“You want me to make him fall in love with me?” Marilee intoned.