Page 66 of A Mayfair Maid
“I do,” she said. “I do care for you.”
His face clouded. “When you told me to go…”
She shook her head violently. “If I could have run away with you that night, I would have done so, but you needn’t have made such an offer just to save me.”
“Save you? I did not make that declaration out of obligation,” he said.
“But your wife…it’s clear you loved your wife.”
“I did, but my dear Marilee, the heart has an infinite capacity to love and love again. I would be a liar if I did not admit that the thought had been in my mind for some time, although I had nothing to offer you. I thought I might be sent to the colonies, and I could not expect you to share my exile.” He took a deep breath. “But now, things have changed. I don’t have much, but the duke has covered my current debts for my aid in bringing his duchess’ kidnappers to justice.”
“Then your offer stands?” she asked with a smile breaking through the tears that now ran freely down her face. “The offer you made before I poisoned you.”
“I am not poisoned,” he said. “I am very much alive, and the offer will forever stand if you ever wish to take it.” He grinned in response, then his features grew quite serious. “I know that you and the duchess have a very close bond. I would hate for you to have to give up your position if you do not wish it. Peggy forewarned me that the life of a lady’s maid is not conducive to marriage..”
“That meddlesome brat!” Marilee laughed. “She’s been pushing us together from the off and now she warns you away.” But Marilee well knew that Peggy had done no such thing. She had been honest, as always, with her friend in laying forth the one concern that might hold Marilee back.
“Considering that in the same breath she happened to mention to Miss Caroline that there were now dozens of freed women who would be looking for safe and kind employment I think her thoughts on the matter were clear.” Nikolas laughed.
“Oh?” Marilee wiped her face, the sadness seemed to have passed, and she was now beginning to feel as if a small ball of light had taken up residence inside of her and was growing with each passing moment. “What did my lady have to say about that?”
“She asked Peggy if she had any interest in being a lady’s maid.” He smiled at her.
“Did Peggy take the position?” Marilee felt the questions begin to flow and was forced to limit herself to one at a time.
“How could she when at present the role is firmly yours?” he teased.
“There is also Hetty of course. In any case, I possibly gave Miss Caroline to believe that the position might be open, and she made me promise that if such was the case, I was to inform you that close contact and everlasting friendship was all that she required from you in the future… should you decide to accept my suit.” He sank down on one knee. “Marry me, Marilee.”
The sound of her name on his lips thrilled her.
“Marry me and make me the happiest man on earth.”
“Yes!” she laughed and grabbed him by the face, kissing him full on the mouth until they were both breathless. “I am soon to be a married woman!”
“Soon?” he pretended to be shocked but his joy at her acceptance was evident.
“Very soon,” Marilee nodded. “I’ve been given a fresh start at life and I do not intend to delay.”
“I agree wholeheartedly with that plan.” He beamed.
“Then I shall tell Peggy that she may have the position.” Marilee smiled. “She will love Miss Caroline.”
“Well, to that point, Peggy has already declined,” he revealed with a sly grin.
“Declined?” she wondered.
“You see, I was notonlymoping around with heartbreak while I was away,” he explained.
Marilee felt as if the room had dropped out from beneath her. “You found her son?” she breathed, barely able to believe that it could be true so soon after their release.
He nodded, pleased beyond words. “I am not sure, but I believe it is possible.”
“Nikolas that is wonderful!” She threw her arms around him and kissed him anew. This brilliant, kind, tenacious man had made all of their dreams come true and she could not possibly love him more.
“The duke has offered to give each recovered captive a small stipend to start a new life for themselves,” he explained. “I think he felt responsible for his brother’s wrong-doing.”
“Guilt will do that, real or imagined,” Marilee said.