Page 11 of Jax: Untamed
I shudder thinking of the heinous act my father committed and wonder if he tried to find us last night. But then I know…he couldn’t have. Not only was he destroyed by Jax’s blows, but there was no way he’d know where to find his place.
I pull my jean shorts on and brush my fingers through my hair as I pass by the mirror. I pass Danny's room noticing it's empty. When I make it to the steps I notice a view through the wall of windows across from me that I hadn’t noticed before. It's a beautiful sight with a serene bay, greens, and blues…calm. A stark contrast to how I feel inside.
My mouth is so dry so I head straight to the kitchen, where I’m once again in awe since I didn't really pay attention last night. The space alone is worthy of discussion. It’s bigger than the living room and kitchen together from our trailer. The trailer I’ll never see again.
Pots and pans are hanging elaborately, gadgets galore and I believe the countertop is marble.
The sink, that huge sink-
My throat is scratchy from all the screaming last night and I frantically search the cabinets for glasses. When I find one, I rush to the sink and fill it, gulping it down like it’s the last glass of water on Earth.
I fill my glass again.
“You know we have filtered water?” his words make me jump as I turn to see him pointing to the refrigerator.
“Oh…I’m fine,” I turn to face him.
"I know you're fine," he staggers in, wiping his hair with a towel, shirtless, glimmering from droplets of water scattered over his torso. His black swim trunks fit him above the knee and I can't help my eyes from grazing up and down his body as I fidget nervously.
“You slept quite a while,” his words are short and inquisitive as his eyes lock on me.
“I know, too long. I’m sorry,” I clench my teeth as I wonder why I keep apologizing.
A slight smile rises on his lips, “no need to be sorry. You’re my guest for the next few weeks.”
“I am?”
He licks his lips as his eyes now drag up and down my body making a tingle buzz in my stomach, “yeah, make yourself at home. Like you did last night.” He winks at me and I blush as he moves around cocky as a stallion, cool and collected.
“J-a-x-y,” a female’s voice rings through the air and a tall, statuesque blonde joins us wrapping her arms around his neck. She turns and gives me a look that I’m all too familiar with from Jolie and her friends, scrunching her nose like I stink.
“Come back to the pool,” she whines dragging her finger between his perfect pecks.
With one last glance my way, he turns and follows her through the dining room and out the sliding doors.
I want to watch Jax but am fixated on her beauty instead this time. She's gorgeous with legs that go on for days, a long tight torso, and big blue eyes. It makes me feel ridiculous for even thinking of having some school girl crush on Jax. There's no comparison between her and me.
It must have been some sort of syndrome, you know from being saved by him last night. It’s clearly not realistic for me or even worth giving a thought to the crush that is bubbling up inside of me.
Oh, these next three weeks are going to be the bane of my existence…a reminder of my place in life.
My stomach rumbles and I grab it with my free hand. I’m hungry too.
He said to make me at home…
I rummage through more cabinets to see if there's snack food that I don't have to actually cook but what I find is all tidy and boxed up in its packaging and I don’t want to disturb it. I open the fridge and see some packaged salads but I’m too embarrassed to just open one up and dig in, so I sigh and turn around casing what’s left. I finally settle on the oversized fruit tray in the middle of the island that looks like it was brought in fresh this morning.
I grab a pear and some strawberries and sink my teeth in the brownish-green fruit. It's soft and sweet and I relish the taste that I haven't had in a long time. Fruit is expensive and we mostly live off of cheap packaged food like ramen, rice, and hot dogs.
Large windows line the back wall of the house overlooking the extravagant backyard. There's a pool that Jax and his lady friend ended up in. There's perfect green grass and there are flowers galore. Not to mention the large gazebo with a smoker and every grilling item you could imagine.
I hear a shriek and peer towards the pool. The pretty blonde has fallen out of her float and Jax is wading through the shallow end laughing at her.
A small giggle of satisfaction comes out and for the first time, the clouds in my head feel like they are parting. I may not feel at home here but if this is where I get to stay for the next three weeks, I'll consider it a nice break. I'm just going to let myself relax and know that I'll be safe here with Danny for a while.
I feel free for a moment, no responsibilities, no suffering and then I remember my job. Oh God, I was supposed to work today. My stomach drops. How was I supposed to get to work the rest of the summer? James Island was a pretty long drive from Cane Bay.