Page 18 of Jax: Untamed
The whole first week went really well actually. The three of us fell into a sort of routine around Jax's home. Danny and I hung out a good bit and took advantage of the pool but Jax was always busy, either with work functions, meetings, or just going out on his own. It didn't bother us though. At least it gave everyone space. We definitely didn't want to wear out our welcome.
The second week our routine grew a little more intermingled. Jax stayed in a little more and hung outwithus a few times. He and Danny went out a few times and I got to stay behind and invite Alyssa over to swim.
Being in this house…with this life…was intoxicating. Things came easy. Food, fun, money. I could get used to this.
But every time I’d let myself get too comfortable I’d remind myself how temporary it all was. That I was just a very fortunate girl tagging along with her brother for another week and then it would all be over. We’d be in a place of our own. I’d have to start school and leave the job I’d come to love, and this house…and Jax.
I wouldn’t continue to see him like Danny would. Maybe not all. I wondered what that would be like. Would I miss him? Would he even notice?
It's not like we got that close or anything, but he did save my life, and ever since then I've felt a connection to him. A lot of times, I felt like he was there with me, watching over me, even when I couldn’t see him. I wondered if he had cameras in the house…certainly he did in the yard.
It wasn’t just that though…sometimes at night, I could swear I wasn’t really dreaming, and that he really was watching me sleep. It never made me scared though. His possible presence whether in my dreams or truly in the corner of my room always drowned out the terror my nightmares of dad would replay. It made me feel okay again. He made me feel safe.
I punch in at the small server station to the side of the dining room and fasten my black apron around my waist. I sweep my hair up into a high ponytail feeling wind on my neck but it’s not from my locks moving.
“Last week here huh?”
I know that voice. It’s more of a low growl and sends goosebumps down my arms and legs.
I turn around and face Jax, closer than we’ve ever been before and his mysterious eyes penetrate my soul.
“Uh…yeah,” I tuck a stray lock behind my ear.
"No, leave it," his fingers reach for the strand and draw it loose from the constraints of my ear. "Red looks good on you," he grins and heat fills my chest. "Is it natural?"
I nod and wonder if this is it. If this is the moment he’s going to confront me about my voyeurism and I hold my breath. We’d been dancing around each other the past two weeks, never spending that much time together. I couldn’t tell if he pitied me or was annoyed by me. So this encounter…was unexpected.
“You and Danny find a place yet?” he whispers and it smells like cinnamon.
“Yeah, he’s supposed to take me by tomorrow night to check it out.”
“I see,” his eyes don’t leave mine, “I guess we should throw a going away party for you guys this weekend.”
“You don’t need to do that?” I giggle nervously.
“I know I don’t need to,” his voice deepens.
A slight chuckle echoes deep down in his chest and he steps aside, letting me by.
I step slowly, nervously, knowing I really don’t want the moment to end, but I force one foot in front of the other anyway. I feel him watch me and when I finally glance back over my shoulder he’s gone.
The day is busy and the tips are good as usual and I feel like I see Jax around more than usual during the first half of the day. At first, I wonder if it's to check on me but then I remind myself that he runs the place and it's his duty.
“Miss! Miss!” An older gentleman’s hand raises from across the dining room and I meet him at the bar stool he’s perched on.
I’m not sure why he’s calling me over instead of the bartender, but it’s part of the job, so I make my way through the noisy room and greet him with a smile.
The man is generally handsome with short salt and pepper hair and he grins at his friends on either side of him before speaking to me, “So…how much are they payin’ ya here hun?”
“Oh, uh…” the question catches me off guard, “I do alright.” I paint a smile back on and remind myself to play the game for the customers.
“Well, how about a little side money?” He grins at his friends again and even though they all appear to be in their fifties, I recognize that immature look from Jolie and her friends.
“I’m sorry?”