Page 48 of Jax: Untamed
“You can’t just tie people up like this Jax,” my voice is low, controlled this time.
“Sweetheart, I don’t think you know me that well. I can do anything I want.”
Any sweet memory I had about him before I fell asleep is long gone now. But I realize now that my fury only tightens my ropes, not loosens them.
It takes me a minute to gain more self control than I’ve ever practiced before, but finally…the look on my face unwinds. It’s time to be smart.
It’s time to play his game.
“You said you’ve been watching me. Tell me about it.”
He bites his plump bottom lip and drags his eyes over me, “I saw you long before you ever saw me.”
“When? Where?”
“High school one day, dropping Danny off at his truck.”
“Why didn’t I see you?”
“I was already leaving, but you caught my eye. You know…your brother and I spent a lot of time together before I ever met you.”
“How?” I feel my eyebrows push together again. “Danny would have told me. Why didn’t I meet you until that summer?”
He steps closer as if he’s delivering bad news again, “your brother was working with me. With my family.”
“At the golf course? I know-“
“No…with ourbusiness.”
He doesn’t have to say anything else, I already know. Still, it doesn’t take the shock away.
All the new information I’ve received the past couple days is racing through me and when I meet his eyes again I gasp, “So theywereafter him? The accident?”
Jax’s jaw clenches and I can’t help but admire it, “No…we’re pretty sure they were after me.”
“Why were they after you? Who is they?” My words come out rushed and forced and a sense of panic takes over. Panic at the thought now of losing Jax too.
And then I tear my eyes away in confusion. I’m supposed to be disgusted with this man. For God’s sake, I’m tied to the bed like a dog.
But I’m not, I’m scared…to go on without him. Part of me is starting to break down…thoughts are rearranging at a rapid pace now and I understand why he’s done this to me. He’s just as scared to lose me as I am him.
He steps closer now, his thick thighs pressed against the bed and I swear I feel the heat off of them.
“I never stopped watching over you firefly,” he slowly bends down over me, resting his hands around me as his face gets closer. “I was there then, and I’m here now. I know I took everything you had left in this world away, but I’ll spend the rest of my life and then some trying to make it up to you,” his lips hover mine now as if it’s taking all is might to keep them off of me and I should be turning my head but I can’t move. I need to be pulling away. Why am I not pulling away?
I feel his breath move through my lips, breathing new life into me, and I’m scared of this feeling. I have to stop this. I have to find any reason not to fall under his spell. A spell I’m not sure is safe. To be with him is not safe.
“If you wanted me all this time,” his face lifts a bit focusing on my eyes again now that I’m speaking, “why were you screwing all those other girls?”
He looks surprised, caught off guard and I don’t really take him for the type of man to hide anything. Actually, I don’t think he’s trying to find a way to lie about it. I think he’s just surprised I’m actually holding him accountable.
He stands back up and my body jerks at the sudden void, “It was because I couldn’t have you. I tried to fuck away the need…the pain of not having you, but it never worked. You’re the only one that can quench my thirst.”
He seems flustered at my lack of respsonse, as if he was hopeful there was more behind that question, and turns heading to the en suite. He reaches behind his head, tearing his shirt off and tossing it to the ground, but before he goes he turns back to me pausing in the doorway, “I need a shower.”
“Wait,” I call out biting my lip, looking him over, my body pulsing and throbbing in all the ways it should not be right now. I can see his chest from here, rising and falling at a steady pace, staring at me with that same hunger he always has. I doubted it all this time, but now I see it loud and clear.
He tilts his head, examining me, sensing the change in my body, in my mind, in my eyes. His fingers move to his pants and he unbuttons them, pushing them down with his briefs exposing himself and my body explodes with desire. I can’t even hide it. My eyes are glued on him as I writhe in a pain I’ve never felt before. A longing.