Page 6 of Jax: Untamed
“You’re off in a few minutes aren’t you kiddo?”
I nod, “but actually, Alyssa and I were thinking about going to this party Justin is having tonight.”
“Justin?” Danny scoffs.
“A party huh?” Jax kicks his feet out on his bench catching me off guard.
“Um, yeah you know Justin,” my brother played football with him so I know he does.
“Yeah I know Justin,” Danny looks me up and down with eyebrows pushed together in thought, “You and Alyssa gonna stick together?”
I nod, “she said I can ride with her over there.”
“Well I guess that would give us time to get the tire on and then I can pick you up after a while.,” he looks at Jax for approval and Jax nods quietly. “Just call me when you’re ready.”
I catch Alyssa out the corner of my eye and turn to her shaking my head, yes and a huge smile takes over her face.
Chapter 4
"Ugh, I should have brought a different shirt," I speak up over the rattling of Alyssa's hand-me-down car.
“I already gotcha covered girl. You didn’t think I was lettin’ ya go to a party with me looking like that did ya?” she flashes a smile at me and we laugh, turning the music up and jamming.
She pulls down the long driveway to her home and I admire it all the way. It’s a mobile home but it's one of those that are built into the ground, so it looks fancier. Nothing like mine.
“Come on!” she hops out full of energy and leads me into her room, which is girly and sweet with twinkle lights and posters on the wall. It’s not the first time I’ve seen it, but something about it hits me differently tonight.
We were finally so close to being out of our dump and into our own place. I had no doubt that it may not be perfect and fancy but it would be clean and safe. And I would decoratemyroom with all the things too.
“Here, try this on,” she tosses a few shirts on the bed and I turn around pulling my shirt off and trying on the light blue one first since it will match my shoes. I pull it down and look in the mirror and it fits me well. The V-neck is a little low for my taste but it's a far cry from the baggy t-shirts I normally wear.
“Well now, don’t you clean up nice,” she gawks and changes her shirt stripping right in front of me.
She lets me borrow some makeup but I only use the mascara and she talks me into leaving my hair down, which we have to straighten since there’s a lump in it from the ponytail.
Once we make it to Justin’s house, it’s already packed. Any and everyone you could imagine from Cane Bay high and more showed up. Apparently, his parents set the place up for him…like a graduation party. They had plenty of room for it since their house was situated on a huge chunk of land way back off of the road. Tiki torches were scattered outside and the inside was lined with decorative lights and balloons. A DJ was set up outside near the in-ground pool and had the whole place thumping.
I did see that Jolie and her crew were there but luckily it was busy enough to keep a distance. The place was crazy. People were drinking and dancing everywhere, doing keg stands and swimming…which made us the minority, but since Alyssa had to drive home she couldn’t drink and I wasn’t touching the stuff. My brother would have killed me.
We danced for a while and hung out with a few different people but it became a little too much fast. We wandered to a back corner of the big yard and found a hammock that we both crawled into.
“Look at those stars. So pretty out here.”
"Yeah, they are,” I agree.
We swing a bit without saying a word, just the music in the background and the stars in sight and it’s so peaceful.
“I think I’m gonna leave soon?” I turn to Alyssa.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“I’m just tired. It’s been a long day and I have a lunch shift tomorrow.”
Alyssa pokes out her bottom lip giving me puppy dog eyes and I slap her arm playfully, “stop it,” I chuckle.
“Alright, alright, I guess if you have to.”