Page 15 of Entwined Souls
Braxton: I might say just about anything to get on your good side and see those beautiful brown eyes sparkle, but I really do like both. Maybe one day we can watch it together and eat tacos?
Jurnee: Now that is the kind of date I can get behind.
Jurnee: Oh shit, I didn’t mean to say date. I just meant it would be fun.
Braxton: It would be a date, Jurnee. Just like Saturday is. Would that be okay?
Jurnee: Yeah, that would be nice.
Braxton: I’m gonna let you go watch your show. I will text you tomorrow and we will talk more about our date.
Jurnee: Look forward to it, night Braxton.
Braxton: Sweet dreams, Brown Eyes.
Putting the pillow over my face, I screamed. I didn’t want to wake the girls, but I needed to do something to release the excitement bursting to get out. Like bubbles in a champagne bottle as you pop the cork, I was ready to explode with joy.
Should have known those two would hear me anyway. Hearing footsteps pounding down the hall, I knew my bedroom door was about to burst open and thought…here we go again for the second time tonight.
Chapter Ten
“Hey,Braxton, do you have the file on Mr. Rogers?” he asked me with a silly smirk on his face. “Shit, caught you daydreaming again, you have been doing that for days.” Gyth chuckled as he barreled into my office in his chair, wheeling right up to my desk.
I chucked a pen at his head. He dodged it and it went flying out the door into the hall. “Wow, you're a funny guy. I was thinking, for your information. We do have stuff going on here you know.”
“Yeah, if I believed for one second your brain was on business and not Jurnee, then maybe I could cut you some slack. Has the girl left your mind once since you went to see her?”
That was a big fat no, but I shrugged my shoulders like just maybe it was possible. Then I decided what the hell, and just tried to say what I felt.
“I’m sure at some point she has, but that girl is hard to forget. It’s finally Saturday, and I get to take her out. I mean, it’s been great talking and texting over the last few days, but I am ready to see her.” Gyth was staring at me funny. Did he notice the dreamy look on my damn face or something?
“Look at you all acting like a girl and getting excited and mushy.” I squirmed a bit in my seat as he harassed me. “But really, I’m happy for you. Just be careful. I know I said before to go for it, and that it is fine that she is your sister's best friend, but tread carefully. Make sure it’s right before you get in too deep.”
Little too late for that, I’d passed deep days ago. Probably from the first moment my eyes caught hers.
“I’ll try.” Because what else could I have said, when it was the best I could do at that point? “Now, Dr. Love, can we get down to business, or do I need to pay you for your time first? Or, we could always turn the tables and talk about your love life?”
Gyth’s face had been comical. Hisoh shitlook and panicked expression, had me doubled over in laughter. But he bounced back quickly.
“Fuck off, dude. I don’t have one and I don’t want one. We are busy with the startup, Kace is here now and we got to get the clients rolling in. Plus, I need to focus on getting out of this damn chair permanently.”
I knew Gyth was holding up quite well, but I also knew how much being in the chair bothered him. The man was not made for taking things slow or needing help. He was used to being the one everyone could count on and he liked it that way. So even though he was putting up a tough front, he was really frustrated. But I had no doubt that he’d get back to his old self sooner than most if placed in his situation.
“You're doing great man. You will be back up and running in no time and the business will be flourishing too. Now, back to why you came in. Mr. Rogers, right?” A chuckle passed my lips. “I can’t even say that withoutWon’t You Be My Neighborgetting stuck in my head.” Then both of us started laughing. But seriously, he was a client and we had to hold back when we were around him. I don’t think he would take us seriously if we broke into song every time he came into the office. “What about him?” I asked. And the two of us had knuckled down and got back to work.
Throughout the day, Jurnee was never far from my mind, and I’d been counting down the hours until I would see her.
I was almost sure a guy shouldn’t get this nervous getting ready for a date. At least I never had been before so this was new territory to me. I’d been on many dates over the years, but there had been nobody serious during my time away. The military, my team, they’d had my full attention. All of that and of course Alley. I would always be there for her, she was important beyond words.
She was my baby sister.
I had a couple girls I dated back in high school, one that had lasted longer than the others, but in the end, I was a dipshit for having not realized what a materialistic bitch she’d been. She’d wanted me because of my status on the sports teams and popularity but was ashamed I didn’t have the money to buy her shit she’d felt she deserved. I’d let that go on far too long, but when I had caught her bad-mouthing Alley for her clothes and not having the money to buy the latest and most expensive designs, that was the end of the line. I was done. It wasn’t long after that I left for boot camp.
I’ve grown up a lot since then, my life was changing and I knew exactly what I wanted now when it came to a girl. Or should I say, a woman. I was going to stop at nothing to make her mine.
I just hope Jurnee was ready for me.