Page 30 of Entwined Souls
I sighed into his mouth because this was like heaven and I was on cloud nine, floating in desire. I could’ve done this all day with this man and never gotten tired of it or gotten enough. Taking this to another level sounded darn good to me.Does he want that too?
He deepened the kiss and punished my mouth as if it had been naughty.I will gladly be bad all the time if this is my punishment.Suddenly ripping his mouth from mine, he pulled back and stared at me in wonder, but also looked a little worried. “I’m sorry, I got a little carried away.”
“Braxton, I am with you one-hundred percent, and I love every bit of it.”
“Yeah?” he asked, letting his hands drop from my face to his sides.
Standing up on my tiptoes, because the man was a whole lot taller than I was, I looked him straight in the eyes. “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it. That’s one thing you need to know about me. I may be shyer than some, and I might let things come blurting out that I wish I held back when I get nervous, but if I say something, it’s the gospel truth.”
“That’s good to know and a breath of fresh air. On top of that, it is a damn good quality to have. I always mean what I say too.”
And with that, a question I’d thought I wanted the answer to had come flying from my mouth. Until after I had asked it, that was. “Have you been with a lot of women?”Really Jurnee, you do not want to know this.A sour expression took over my face as if I had just sucked on a lemon. It was probably something I truly didn’t want to know the answer to because once he found out how inexperienced I was, he’d probably run for the hills. Yet, I still let the inquiry hang in the air, and held my breath, waiting for his response.
He paused, and that had worried me. I almost was the one running, but I stayed put and let him answer.
“Baby, I’m not gonna lie and say I haven’t had my fair share of women, but I will say that I haven’t had as many as people probably think a man in the military has been with.”Sometimes peopleassume that is how we all are, but that is not always the case.“It’s also been a long damn time since I have been with anyone. I got bored of the meaningless sex thing a long time ago, and I knew I was looking for so much more, I desperately wanted something real, so I’ve been holding out for it. I might not have known where I would find it, but I am damn sure I have now.”
His face was sincere, his words I believed to be true, but I wasn’t exactly sure what to say to that. I mean, it was his past. Braxton is a sexy, amazing guy, so it was no surprise there had probably been a good number of ladies looking for his attention.Could I be his something real?
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he asked, as he picked up his right hand and smoothed it across my forehead, down my cheek, and around the back of my neck where he’d let it rest there. He was waiting for me to speak but giving me time to collect my thoughts.
Am I really going to explain my lack of intimate encounters to him?
“I was just thinking that once I tell you just how different we are, that you are probably going to high tail it out of here.” Realizing that was a dumb thing to say, I wanted to smack myself. “Well, it’s your house, so you probably won’t leave, but you might want me to.”
“Jurnee, that’s not gonna happen.” He gently squeezed my neck and the pressure grounded me and helped me carry on.
“You sure about that? You haven’t heard what I was going to say yet.”
“I don’t think anything you can say, will have me react that way.”
I wasn’t sure that was entirely the truth. He didn’t know everything about me in detail yet. Maybe I wouldn’t scare him off with my lack of sexual experience, but other things may just do it for sure.Like if we ever get serious and he finds out I may never be able to have children of my own.
“Well, where you’ve had many women, and probably really experienced ones at that, I’ve only been with one man. And let me just say, it wasnotearth-shattering. It also didn’t entail much more than boring missionary style sex.”Mouth, meet lemons, times ten.
He quietly stared at me. Yup, I was getting tossed out of the house. I’d put both hands up to my face to cover it, and the move had Braxton dropping his hand from my neck. The loss of connection killed me. I was no longer grounded and was scared to death as to what would happen next. But then I felt both of his big palms grab my wrists and he gently pulled my hands away. Looking at me intensely, his next words charged my heart and it had begun to beat frantically.
“Listen to me, baby, that doesn’t scare me one bit, it’s certainly not going to make me think less of you. Honestly, I love the fact that you haven’t been with many men, because just thinking of the one makes me jealous. I may have been with more women than you would have wished for me to be with, but right now I only want you. The kisses we have shared tell me a lot. And the spark we create when we share them, is just a splinter of the fire that we can create if you ever let me have you fully. I have no doubt the world will go up in smoke. And if, or whenever that happens, you won’t be using the word boring to describe us.”
Once again Braxton had my mouth agape and hanging wide open. I was stunned speechless. It wasn’t the first time that had happened, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last. I laughed a bit inside at the crazy feelings running through me. I couldn’t take back my next words and Lord knows I didn’t want to. Even if they had taken me into uncharted territory.
“Braxton, I’m ready to set ablaze.”
And that was how I ended up back in his bedroom, flying through the air, laughter escaping me as my back hit the bed, with one sexy as fuck man looming over me.
Chapter Twenty
I probably shouldn’t have been sorough and thrown her on the bed, and I most likely should’ve given her time to think about what she wanted, but she’d told me that she never said anything she didn’t mean and I was starving for her. Jurnee was a fantasy I didn’t know I had, come to life. Right now, I wanted to worship her body and touch her soul.
“Tell me you're sure, Dimples. Because baby, I want nothing more than to show you what sex should really feel like, and just how perfect we can be together.” I was a confident man, but Jurnee’s hesitation had me questioning myself for a minute.
“I’m sure Braxton, I just don’t want to disappoint you.” I hated the worry on her face.
“Not gonna happen, honey.” It was time I showed her.
Unable to wait a second longer, my lips crashed down on hers. Our tongues danced a tango, as my hands roamed up and down her sides. I was hanging on by a thread but doing my absolute best to take it slow and savor her, letting her know just how special she was.