Page 4 of Unlikely Souls
But truth be told, the second I had laid eyes on her, I began fighting a war of attraction that I wasn’t sure I could win. I’d done my best though, until the moment I’d watched her soft, delicate, beautiful body hit the hard ground with a resounding thump that would echo through my soul for as long as I had a breath in me. Then fear had gripped every inch of my massive frame when the relentless shaking from the seizure took hold of her, a fear I’d never known even during the darkest of times as a marine settled into my bones.
That’s when the battle was lost.
In a nanosecond, everything in me had changed and I wasn’t pushing my feelings for this woman aside anymore. Instead, I was waging a new war.
One that made her mine.
She may have been too perfect for my bitter, cantankerous, country bumpkin, gimpy ass. But what was a heart to do when it had met its other half? It may not make sense, but my soul screamed she was the one.
The only one.
Where I was angry and scared, Summer was everything sweet, pure, and beautiful—inside and out.
Everything about her was alluring and exquisite. From the soft, creamy, light beige skin that covered every inch of her sexy petite body, to those luminous bottle-green eyes, perfect nose, enticing, pink kissable lips, and her silky blonde hair that gleamed like rays of sunlight. She was sunshine personified to me.
She was the light to my dark.
I shouldn’t corrupt her perfection, but I damn well couldn’t stay away.
Suddenly, Kace walked in pulling me out of my drowning, never-ending cycle of worry. Along with some snippets of lustful-minded thoughts thrown in the mix just for good measure.
Releasing my hands that had been gripping the edge of the kitchen island, I realized I didn’t even know how long I’d been standing there alone, where I had gone after leaving Summer and Alley in the bathroom.
“Yo, that was some intense shit out there a bit ago. Summer doing okay?” Kace asked.
My body went rock-solid and a low growl seeped past my tight lips. I knew I was being a dumbass, acting like some caveman over Kace worrying about Summer. But I was wound tight, and the girl was mine. Shit, everyone was worried about her, but I wanted to be the one to take care of her.
She just needed to let me.
“Whoa, dude, chill out. Do not growl at me, you big bear.” I knew he wasn’t mad, just obviously amused, because he chuckled after he said it.
“Sorry man, I’m just torn up over giving Summer space like she keeps demanding so she isn’t more stressed, or ignoring her, throwing her over my shoulder, and locking her up in my place until she lets me help her figure out what is going on with her.” Huffing out a breath, I shook my head trying to clear the crazy thoughts rapidly running through it. Then Kace shocked me.
“Guess it’s a good thing I finally found my own place, so I won’t be around to witness this lockdown of yours.” Again, another laugh escaped him.
I had known Kace was looking for a new place, and that we wouldn’t be roommates forever, but it had been good having the guy around.
“Well, I’m happy for you, dude, and I may hate seeing you go. Even if you are a jackass most of the time.”
“Aww come on, don’t go getting all mushy and misty-eyed on me,” he teased.
“Like I said, jackass,” I threw back at him. It felt good to laugh with Kace, it’s exactly what I needed so I could relax a bit.
I’d miss some of our banter, but I would have been lying if I said I wasn’t glad to have my own space back, especially since I really wanted to see Summer in it. I may not hold her hostage and throw away the key just yet, but I wasn’t ruling that out for later either.
“Where did you find a place?”
“Ready to get rid of me?” He smirked. I gave him a questionable look just to mess with him and didn’t comment, so he continued.
“Since I knew the separation would be seriously strenuous for you, I got a place in the same fucking luxury apartments we are in now. And here you thought I would take off, and leave you to fend for yourself.” The bastard then cracked up uncontrollably. Enough so I was about to beat his ass.
“Wiseguy. You just couldn’t manage to break away from my sweet, happy, fun-lovin’ self, could you?” I said, socking him in the arm just for kicks.
His brows had almost hit his hairline, and his laughter gained even more momentum. Kace’s face was bright red from the strain of not breathing through his laughing fit and I couldn’t help but let loose and chuckle right alongside him.
“What the hell is so funny in here?” A voice said, grabbing our attention. Our laughter died down as Alley walked closer. “Kace, can I talk to Gyth for a minute?” Just her question had my pulse picking up.Did something happen to Summer?
“No problem, sweet thing,” Kace said to Alley.