Page 49 of Forbidden Souls
Although I was behind a closed door, I wasn’t in my own home any longer and knew that I was bound to be heard soon.
Earlier I panicked and ran.
For the millionth time, I wondered how Landon put up with me and let me get away with my shit. But in all fairness, that had not been the morning to have been dealing with a fragile situation when it was also Summer’s wedding day. A wedding I needed to be present for and was running way behind for.
So, after I had stood staring at the stick laying on the counter clearly showing I was with child, I started mumbling incoherently about being late and rushed out of the room to grab my stuff to get to my brother’s house where the ceremony would take place. All the while Landon so graciously let me act like a lunatic and go radio silent about it all.
The man was a saint.
Shortly after arriving at the house to help set up and get ready for the wedding, I had to rush back into the restroom and get rid of the toast that Landon had made for me before we left.
Hearing footsteps outside the door I tried to stop the wrenching as whoever was on the other side passed but my body was not cooperating with my mind.
I heard the door handle turn and Embry in her cute sage green summer dress, with a pink sash, walked in. Stopping in her tracks halfway to me, her eyes went wide, and then she rushed the rest of the way over.
“Oh no, Auntie Alley, you got cooties,” she stated matter of factly. Then, not waiting for a reply she rushed to the door and yelled for the whole world to hear. “Mama, Auntie Alley is barfing!”
I already felt like death so you may have well finished me off, because multiple sets of footsteps came rushing toward the bathroom. I heard Jurnee yelling for Summer to not dare come out of the bedroom because her soon-to-be groom couldn’t see her yet.
I groaned as nausea swirled in my stomach and looked up at the new faces peering at me from where they stood over my spot on the floor. Then I tried to climb to my feet. As I stumbled, Landon’s strong arms reached out to help me as he pulled me in close to his side. I glanced around to see Jurnee, Braxton, Embry, Gyth, and Kace watching me.
Then suddenly, Jurnee started barking orders. Since getting married and having kids, she was much more vocal and demanding than she used to be. Giving everyone something to do and practically pushing them out of the room, she had the small space cleared in no time.
Embry wanted to stay but her mom told her to go check on Auntie Summer and that got her moving. She loved feeling like she was helping with important things. She was a dream child and I loved her to pieces. Landon was reluctant to leave, but after closing the lid of the toilet and sitting me down, he went. However, not before informing us he would be right outside the door. I had no doubt that was where I would find him when we walked out.
After everyone was gone, Jurnee turned to me, wasting no time and getting straight to the point.
“When did you find out?”
I’d hoped to at least get through today and not disrupt the wedding. I also needed some time to think and adjust to the news.
My heart was conflicted and that wasn’t what I should be feeling. That should be a sign that this road wasn’t meant for me again. A mother’s heart shouldn’t be filled with both joy and dread at the same time.
Not when it came to a child.
But mine leaped with joy at the possibility that Landon and I could have this baby and the dread came knowing that my heart would shatter if anything went wrong again.
“Hey now,” Jurnee said as she went to her knees in front of me on the floor, placing her hands on my legs. “Look at me,” she demanded.
I did as she asked and once again those big brown eyes of hers, along with her gentle tone, calmed me a little. The girl had a way with people and softness to her that put everyone at ease. It was probably why she was so amazing with kids. Every one of the children that came into her place,Hopeful Jurnee,loved her.
“I just took the test this morning when I woke up sick. I don’t know if I can do this,” I told her. My hands that rested close to her on my thighs, shook.
Jurnee took them both in her own hands and said, “Honey, I know you’re worried and scared, but this time you have so many people to support and help you. This is a beautiful thing. Landon and you were meant to be together and have this.”
That hope I mentioned before, flared to life inside me at her words.
“Summer is going to kill us if we don’t go tell her the news,” Jurnee said then.
“Oh my God!” I yelled jumping to my feet, trying to ignore the ill-feeling still plaguing me. “I am not even dressed and look like I just got out of bed. Summer is going to kill me, this is her wedding day!” I screeched.
Jurnee smiled at my outburst. “Let’s go, baby mama,” she said, grabbing my hand and slowly pulling us toward the door Landon had shut on his way out.
As we exited, Landon was leaned up against the hall wall, waiting just as he said. He was next to me in a second. Leaning close to me, he said, “Baby, you okay? What do you need?”
I melted at his soft, sweet tone, but it was Jurnee who answered.
“While we finish getting ready, can you run to the little store up the street and grab your girl some Ginger Ale and Saltine crackers?”