Page 56 of Forbidden Souls
As one tattoo it would be phenomenal, but the idea of it split in half, each of us having a piece that when we came together it fit as one was the part that had a shiver running through me.
“We won’t forget,” I murmured. “And she will always be with us. Both of us.” My words and feelings penetrated my broken heart and it started to warm, a feeling of healing taking hold.
We had been locked together for a while as I spoke, but I needed to see Landon’s face. When I unwrapped myself from around him and leaned back, the tears in his eyes stole my heart just as he had years ago. The way he was brought up you would think he would be cold, not show emotion and be like his parents.
But Landon was nothing like them.
He was warm, sweet, smart, funny and he wasmine.
I thought once again about how lucky I was that Landon didn’t forget about me, and stood by until I gave him another shot, even after what I had done and all that had happened.
“Guess we should thank my stalkers,” I blurted out.
Landon was shocked, his eyes wild. “Why the hell would we thank them?”
“Because of them, you barged back into my life. Like a barbarian, you carried me off and made me see it your way.” I laughed a bit at the memory of the day he threw me over his shoulder and dragged me out of Jurnee’s place kicking and screaming.Literally.
“I—” he started, and I cut him off by throwing my hand over his mouth.
He chuckled behind my palm.
“You did, so don’t deny it. So you see, their bullshit helped us in a weird and crazy way.”
“If they would have hurt you,” he remarked, taking a deep breath. “I would have gone ballistic. I’d been waiting for you to let me in again, hoping and praying. If I never got that chance, I would never have been okay, Alley. You are my one and only love.”
Melted.My heart melted and the armor I put up to shield me from the pain in the past came down a little. I had a feeling it would continue to do that, even if the thought scared me too.
“They didn’t and I am okay, Landon.”
“Are you okay with us having this baby together?” He was nervous, that was easy to see, but I was too.
“I wouldn’t want it with anyone but you. And I am trying to be. I may be scared, but I am going to do everything I can to protect this child and let us be a family.”
What I said was the honest-to-goodness truth, even if it wouldn’t be a walk in the park. We still had a long way to go and more healing to do. But this had been a great start. Then I addressed the second part of his question.
“And can you be happy with me?” he asked.
“Are you crazy? I got two for the price of one.” The line Michelle Pfeiffer says at the end of the movie to Michael inGrease 2popped into my head. But it fit perfectly.
Landon was that pretty boy. A damn smart man and Lawyer. But he also had a carefree, scruffy boy look to him now at times. The one who loved his motorcycle and was learning to embrace his artistic side too. He was everything I could ask for all rolled into one.
“You and your movies,” Landon said, laughing.
The man did know me well. He knew the girls and I watched a lot of movies together over the years and that movie, as well as the first, were two that had been played time and time again in the house. Then I would also rope Landon into watching it with me as well. He was a good sport and would watch about anything with me if I’d asked.
Even Scooby-Doo, without judgment.
“You love them and you know it,” I sassed.
“I love you,” he countered back, rising and plucking me off the couch. Cradled in his arms, he marched towardourbedroom. I liked the sound of that. Our bedroom, something I never saw coming after we had split up.
“It is time to go back to bed and this time don’t get out before me,” he said in a demanding, but playful voice.
“You are certainly dressed for it,” I told him. Landon had been in nothing but his boxers the whole time. “But I like you better naked.”
“Do you now?” he teased back.
Laughter escaped me and it felt good.