Page 58 of Forbidden Souls
“How about we put the bags away and then we order Chinese? We can even watch a movie, your choice,” Landon asked, breaking into my thoughts. Then, he smirked, knowing I couldn’t resist.
“Will there be more kissing?” I asked him, teasingly.
“Oh, there will definitely be more kissing.”
“It’s a date,” I told him, a huge smile on my face.
“Then get moving, woman,” he said, swatting my ass.
“Hey, watch your hands, Mister,” I sassed, picking up a couple of bags and heading off down the hall.
When I heard him laugh, I thought to myself that I could listen to that for the rest of my life too, just as he had told me earlier.
* * *
I should have guessed.
Once Alley got something in her head, she went with it, and since she had mentioned Grease two earlier, that was exactly what she picked to watch first.
Stuffed full of Chinese food, her head rested on my lap as she stretched out on the couch, I listened to her sing-along to the movie. She was singing about how no ordinary boy was gonna do and wanting a cool rider. It was pretty damn cute.
“You already have one, baby,” I said, cutting into the song.
Her words died instantly, and she turned her head to look at me, those beautiful blue eyes heating with desire in a split second. And without saying a word she got up and the next thing I knew she was straddling my lap.
Bringing her core to mine, she ground down and circled her hips. Just that little bit of friction from this woman and I groaned, wanting more. And she gave it to me.
“I do have a cool rider. How did I get so lucky?” she asked me, rocking her hips back and forth, her warm center moving against me.
Another groan came out, instead of an answer. And with her next words, things went from zero to sixty in a second flat and Alley had me overheating real damn quick.
“Since you won’t let me ride your motorcycle, how about I ride you instead?” she said in a seductive tone.
Moving off me, she dropped to her knees on the floor for access, and then tugged on the basketball shorts I wore, and nothing else. Lifting my hips, she slid them down my thighs, and I managed to kick them away. After I was clear of any clothing, she scrabbled back on to my lap, straddling me once again. Then she pulled her long t-shirt over her head, tossing it to the ground, leaving her naked except for a sexy pair of underwear.
Her nipples pebbled when the air hit them and my eyes focused on them like targets, but when her hand slid down her stomach, south, my gaze followed.
My dick reacted to the movement and I was hard as a rock. Pulling her red, lace panties to one side, she used her other to position me right where she needed me, and in one smooth move, she sank down on my cock, taking me in deep. Her warm, wet heat surrounded me, and desire ripped through my body.
“Oh, fuck!” I yelled.
“Time to ride,” she said as she began to move up and down, setting a fast pace that was going to get us both to the finish line in record time.
It was the best damn ride of my life.
This was more like it.
I wasn’t in bed alone. In fact, Alley was twisted around me like a pretzel.
Her naked body meshed against mine and her silky black hair spanned out across my chest, along with the little puffs of air from her warm breath hitting my skin, were causing a big reaction.