Page 71 of Forbidden Souls
I am coming, Mi Tesoro.
* * *
It killedme to see her that way.
When I walked into the cold operating room and looked at a pale-faced Alley, a part of me was angry. Why did she have to go through so much in her lifetime already? She was everything good, even though bad things had plagued her since she was born. And then I remembered Kace saying how strong she was. I knew this too, and in that second, I also knew she and the baby would be okay.
The anger disappeared and love slammed into me, and I was by her side quickly.
“Hey, baby,” I whispered softly.
Those dazzling, sapphire blue eyes looked up at me and a smile of relief glimmered in their depths. She was glad I was there. We had come so far in the time we had been back together and married.
We had forgiven, made peace, and we were stronger together.
Grabbing her hand, I leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I love you. What do you say we bring our baby into the world together?”
When I raised back up, she was nodding her head, yes, tears trickling down her cheeks. She was all prepped and numb from the neck down ready for surgery to start. “I love you too, Pretty Boy,” she whispered back.
Holding her hand, I was with her every minute of the procedure, soothing her with encouraging words about how great she was doing and soaking her in words of love.
Time went rather quickly and before we knew it, we heard the sweet cries of our daughter. The next bit, where a pediatrician and nurse meticulously checked over our baby, pricking her heel and gooping ointment in her eyes before diapering her, happened fast too. And then they were handing me my daughter.
“Everything looks good. You two have a healthy 5-pound 12-ounce beautiful daughter and her Apgar scores are right where they need to be. She also shows no signs of respiratory distress, so Mr. Abbott, why don’t you place your daughter on your wife’s chest and hold her there while we finish up? Skin to skin contact between mother and daughter right away is very important,” the doctor said.
I had no clue what all he said meant, but my heart was happy to hear him say we had a healthy daughter. My hands shook as he handed her to me and for a second, I was afraid I would drop our little girl. But once she was placed in my arms I settled. She was tiny, but her weight was good, and she looked wonderful.
And just like that, I was a goner.
I took in everything all at once. Her little fingers and toes, to the slight bit of dark hair peeking out from under the hat they placed on her head. Would she keep that color, just like her mama I wondered? She had a pout on her lips that reminded me of Alley, and I just knew she was going to be a sassy thing. That was her mother for sure. I leaned over and kissed her head and my nostrils filled with the sweetest baby scent.
Then I laid her on Alley’s chest, and I watched as mother and daughter looked at each other, a bond, forming instantly. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life.
“You did it,” I said to my wife in awe.
With tears of joy in her eyes, a smile on her gorgeous face, she looked at me and said, “Wedid it. It’s the best Christmas present ever.”
I shook my head in agreement, my voice raw and clogged with emotion. They were perfect, both of them and they were mine. They were everything I could ever wish for and want. I vowed to always be worthy of their love right then and there as I continued to watch them.
“You have given me everything a man could ever dream of. I will cherish you both until my last breath.” Tears of happiness dripped down my cheeks.
“Don’t cry, honey,” my wife said, now soothing me just before the doctor’s voice cut into the moment.
“Do you guys have a name picked out for your daughter?”
My eyes went wide and I looked at my wife.
A smile lit up Alley’s whole face.
“Noelle Nicole,”I whispered, looking into my daughter’s eyes.
Then my gazewent to Landon and the twinkle in his eyes told me he thought it was the perfect name for our daughter.
Not only didNoelle fit our Christmas baby, but Nicole honored her sister who was watching over her from above.