Page 29 of Teal's Savior
“You are not the only one that lost our baby, Kace Anderson. And you were not even around when it happened. You will regret this someday.” With that, she walked out of the building.
When Braxton and Gyth turned around, their surprised eyes took in their friend who was clearly reliving something he wished he could forget, it was too much for Kace. He glanced at everyone and turned and walked down the hall. I wasn’t exactly sure where he was going, but my guess was he was going to shoot. It was something I noticed he did when he was upset.
Braxton looked over at Alley then. “You knew?”
Her silence spoke volumes. She didn’t have to say anything, the answer was in her eyes. Shedidknow. And now that I thought about it, I think I realized just when she had figured it all out. I remembered back to the day after she was shooting with Kace and the way they both looked when they finished.
“Why didn’t you say anything, Sis?” Braxton asked her.
This time she replied, “It wasn’t my story to tell.”
Who the helldid she think she was coming here?
Bang, bang, bang.
What made her believe for one second I would want to talk to her, let alone work anything out?
Bang, bang, bang.
Why the hell had she told Teal she was my fiancé?
Bang, bang, bang.
After firing off a few more rounds, my fiery temper finally started to simmer. I’d been at it for almost an hour, my mind going over the scene out front with the guys, Alley, and Teal. Alley was the only one who knew the horrid story and now all my dirty laundry was hanging in the wind for everyone else to see. But as I stood taking my last few shots I realized that maybe this was some sort of closure I needed.
Just maybe, something good had come from Bridgette showing up here after all. Well, it was more than one thing. Once I’d sifted through the past and what had just happened, I knew that I would have to talk to the guys. Used to telling each other almost everything, holding back on them since I had arrived had felt foreign to me and wrong, but I couldn’t stand the thought of talking about what happened. Having it out in the open might just take a burden off my back.
Then there was Teal. The feel of her hands on my cheeks still heated my skin. I was shocked when I felt her soft touch. She didn’t touch people much or like when others touched her. Yet she reached out to me on her own.
I wanted to feel that again.
And to top it off she had jumped right into the fray of it all and told Bridgette off. Something shifted inside me with her by my side ready to go to battle on my behalf.
I was beginning to believe Alley when she told me before not to let Bridgette win and how I still could find happiness. The problem was when I thought about happiness, it was Teal’s face I saw. Which could very well be an issue because I didn’t know what monsters she had in her closet or if there would ever be a place for me in her life.
At least not the way I wanted to be.
I would always be her friend but damned if I wasn’t thinking about more every time I was around her. The idea of that never being possible was depressing. But I was thinking like a crazy person. She was hiding her past, she was pregnant, and I didn’t know much about her personally.
So how was it that I was so drawn to her?
As my mind spun with questions, I decided it was time for more shooting.
* * *
Well,that went better than I’d thought it would.
My conversation with the guys was not long and drawn out and for that I was thankful. I gave them the short version of what happened, and they let me know how sorry they were. They knew my history with my ex, our life plans, and about the baby. While serving together we created a special bond and learned to confide in one another. They just hadn’t known about the deceit and events the day I had gotten home.
Now they did.
Braxton had asked me how it was his sister knew before he did. All I had to say was that it was Alley we were talking about and how she bulldozed her way into my office one day. Both he and Gyth had a good laugh at that and I joined in. I was right earlier because the burden of keeping it locked inside had lifted a huge weight off me.
But as I headed out to the front, my body filled with disappointment to find the reception area empty. My gaze scanned the silent space, absent of the one person I had been looking forward to seeing when I’d finally got my head back on straight after the shit show.