Page 41 of Teal's Savior
“Sweetheart, the only place we are going is as far as your bedroom to lay you down. This baby isn’t going to wait much longer.” His eyes were a little wild, but he was a hell of a lot calmer than I was at that moment.
As he started helping me to my room, he dialed 911 and told them to get an ambulance on the way. “She is having her baby now, hurry the hell up!” he shouted and then pocketed his phone.
Okay, so he wasn’t as calm as I’d thought.
Halfway down the hall, I buckled over again while trying to work my way through another contraction. “I can’t go anymore,” I huffed out.
That was when I felt Kace’s strong-arm wrap behind my knees and his powerful body lift me off the ground. A surprised sound left my lips as I sucked in a gulp of air.
“I’m going to break your back,” I panted out.
“Not a chance, sweetheart,” he said, smiling down at me. “Keep breathing, I’ve got you.”
Then with purposeful strides, he quickly made it the rest of the way to my bedroom and deposited me carefully onto the edge of the bed to sit. He efficiently arranged all the pillows on the bed and helped me back against them.
“You’re going to have to trust me for a minute. I need to run to unlock the door for the paramedics and grab extra blankets and towels.”
“What?” I squeaked.
“Honey, your little one is about to make their debut into this world in a big way and isn’t going to wait.”
“Oh, my—” The contractions were intense. I couldn’t finish my sentence and then Kace was gone.
I listened to his feet pound through the house swiftly and cupboards in the hall bang open. He was doing what he said but I needed him back with me.
Like now.
“Kace!” I screamed out in agony.
And then he was back. “Teal, I’m here, but you’re going to have to really trust me now.” His face was a mask of determination and control, but his voice gave him away. He was worried, I could hear it.
“I trust you,” I whispered.
His expression changed immediately with those three little words. He looked relieved and happy, but when I let out another gut-wrenching scream, he was back to his all-serious mode.
“The paramedics should be here any time but they won’t get you to the hospital. Teal, you are going to have to deliver the baby here. I dialed Alley and I wouldn’t be surprised if she beats the ambulance here and that the other ladies are not right behind her,” he said while he carefully tucked towels under me and on the bed. “I figured you needed someone here with you when it was time.”
I thought that ship had sailed, I wailed as contractions hit one after another. “I think it’s time now!” I screeched.
His eyes went wide and for a minute I thought he might have fainted, but then he snapped out of it. “Teal,” he started and then took a deep breath. “I have to remove the clothes off your lower body. I promise I will be respectful. Can you handle that?”
The idea of anyone seeing me always bothered me but I was having a baby so it was inevitable. “Yes,” I told him.
Doing his best not to look, he got my pajama bottoms and underwear off in record time, then covered me with a blanket and told me to bring my knees up and to once again keep breathing. The need to push was so strong and I did just that.
“Oh my God, Kace!” I yelled. “I feel something! My baby is coming!” Breathing in and out, I pushed again.
“Sweetheart, I have to lift the blanket and take a peek. Okay?”
All I could do was nod. Words were not something I was capable of right then. One because I was in freaking labor and two because Kace was going to be seeing me without clothes on. But all that left my mind when the intensity picked up and I knew I was just moments away from having my baby.
In myhouse!
“Okay, honey, you are going to have to push and push hard, I can see the crown of the head.”
Just as I bore down, I heard the front door fly open as Alley called out.