Page 82 of Teal's Savior
“You are the best man I know, Kace Denver Anderson.”
I reached up with one palm and placed it on the side of his face and he put his hand on top of mine.
“One more thing,” I said.
“What’s that? Little Momma?”
“When you ask, the answer will be yes.”.
He sucked in a breath and his eyes twinkled with happiness.
“That’s good to hear. I love you, soon-to-be Mrs. Anderson.”
I giggled and my heart warmed, bursting with joy.
“I love you too.”
And then I fell asleep, dreaming of what it would be like to be Kace’s wife.
The heatof the sun felt good on my face.
It was a beautiful summer day, a month after the altercation with Thad.
“Where are we going?’ I asked Kace for the third time, but he was still tight-lipped and not giving me any clues.
He looked over at me and smirked, shaking his head again, telling me that I still wasn’t getting anything out of him.
The warm breeze from the open window blew my hair and I gazed out as the city passed us by. We were headed just outside of it and I was puzzled about what my guy was up to.
“You’re a brat,” I told him, looking back in his direction and playfully slapping my palm on his thigh. He grasped my palm in his and pulled our joined hands toward his mouth. Then turning them slightly, his warm lips pressed a kiss to the inside of my wrist, and chill bumps broke out all over my body.
He glanced over and gave me a wolfish smile before turning back to the road. Damn, the man was sexy.
So much had changed over the last month, but one thing had stayed the same. Kace still stayed with me every night as his place just sat like a storage unit packed with most of his stuff. I wasn’t complaining though because I wouldn’t know what to do if he wasn’t in my bed and with me and Denver all the time.
I had healed physically from Thad’s beating and emotionally was doing okay. Although I still had panic attacks at times when I thought about that night or the past, they were getting less frequent. Learning to truly acknowledge he was gone and couldn’t hurt me would take a bit, but with the strength I had found within myself that night and knowing Kace and so many others had my back, that too was becoming clearer.
There were some other new developments though.
Kace had been speaking to his parents and they had been talking over the last few weeks on the phone. They couldn’t take back the way they’d handled the situation with Kace and his ex, but they were all trying to work through things. And while they had been wanting to come and see him, he’d held off so far, but I could tell that he was considering it. He’d also told them about Denver and me. The way he talked about us warmed my heart and always made happiness bloom inside me.
There had been another huge revelation as well. A week ago, Kace came to me with some news.
He’d gotten word about my father.
Since we’d talked about it previously and I told him that I wanted him to find him to see what had been happening, it wasn’t that he’d done exactly that that shocked me.
It was what he’d learned that was such a huge surprise.
I thought he’d still either be drinking his life away or already lost his battle with alcoholism and died. As bad as that sounded after watching him for four years it was hard to see it turning out any other way. But when Kace came to me the look in his eyes told me that what I assumed we would find was not the case. What he revealed was something I’d never expected to hear, and my mind, heart. and soul had floundered with the information he’d obtained
My father was sober and had been looking for me for years.
I’d sat on the couch, heart pounding in my chest while so many feelings washed through me. And after a week of finding out about it, I still didn’t know how to react.