Page 69 of Brinley's Savior
I’d almost forgotten about the lady at the desk until she called out to me again. Holding up a finger to my friends, I walked over to the desk and answered what I could.
“Can I go back to the room now?” I asked her as we finished.
“I’m sorry, only family can go back,” she said sympathetically
“They are my family. That’s my son and…” Girlfriend? Was that what I was supposed to call Brin? It didn’t seem like enough, she was so much more, but I settled on, “and the mother of my child. I will be going back.”
The woman looked at me, paying no attention to my unyielding tone, and said, “So you’re not married then?”
“Not yet, but we will be soon.” I let that settle for a minute and knew it to be true. “She’s my fiancée.”
I heard a throat clear from behind me and turned to come face to face with Alley. A sheepish look crossed my face as she raised her brows at me.
“Does Brinley know about this or were you just going to demand it, lock her in your room, and then chain her to your bed while someone marries her off to you?” Then she snapped her fingers and her eyes lit up. “Hey, Kace and Gyth, both are ordained. One of them may do it for you.”
Leave it to Alley and her sassy mouth to cause a stir. I heard the woman behind me laugh and I couldn’t help but laugh along with her. Alley was a force of nature.
Then I winked.
“She will know soon.”
* * *
“They’re all here?”
Brinley looked flabbergasted when she found out everyone was in the waiting room. And when I’d said I meant everyone, I wasn’t exaggerating.
“Even Dexter?” Zander asked.
“Yup, even Dexter. Every man, woman, and child we know is in that waiting room. I don’t think there is room for anyone else.”
Brin laughed and then closed her eyes in pain. What hurt her, hurt me, and I reached for her hand. Rubbing slow circles on it, I tried to soothe her.
Zander still lay beside her on the bed. He may be sore over the next week or so, but he checked out without having any major injuries. But he didn’t want to leave his mother’s side and the emotional damage that was caused would take longer to heal.
He was still scared but was also worried about his mom. Same as I was.
Brin didn't walk away from the accident as easily as Zander had, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse.
I shuddered at the thought. I’d been working on not playing thewhat-if gameand focusing on just being there for them. Then I’d find the motherfucker who dared to cause my family any trauma and he’d better hope Lyric was with me to put him behind bars, because if he wasn't, they may never find his body.
Shit, I could never do that, or I’d have to leave my family and that wasn’t something I was willing to do. But I was so fucking angry it sounded good for a minute.
When my son told me to not let them die, images of my sister falling to her death flashed in my mind and the guilt, the sorrow, and the pain consumed me. Then, the faces changed and I saw Brinley and Zander. I couldn’t let them down and yet at the time, I didn’t know if I could save them.
I’m not sure what would have happened if the guys and I hadn’t pulled up when we did. I’d seen the flash of taillights in the distance and Brinley had told police at the scene that whoever hit them had been headed down the hill, possibly in search of them, until our vehicles could be heard in the distance. Then the person took off.
It didn’t matter, we knew who he was. And I knew it was a man because when Brinley mentioned the license plate I realized the dirtbag who owned it was the husband of one of our clients.
The wife had us install security systems, she was taking self-defense classes, had a restraining order out on her husband who refused to divorce her, and had been both physically and verbally abusive.
She was his property, he’d told his wife.
The name of the license plate was her name and it was not sweet, but creepy after finding out all about him. He was, however, not as bright as he thought he was since that stood out like a sore thumb and he used it in a hit and run.
As Brin told me all the details she could remember, it was clear she was the true hero that evening. She was going to protect her son no matter what and she had. With a concussion, a sprained wrist, stitches in her head, and a lot of bumps and bruises, she still managed to be everything Zander needed at that moment.
She was a badass and she wasmine.