Page 93 of Brinley's Savior
On top of all that, we had taken Zander with us and went back to our hometown to visit my mom, Rowan’s mom, Luke, and Jelena’s grave sites. It was hard but therapeutic at the same time. They were all such a huge part of us and always would be.
We did manage to stay clear from Luke’s parents which was a blessing. And we had been house hunting and just put an offer in on the house all three of us fell in love with. Zander especially liked it because it happened to be right down the street from Gyth, Summer, and Dexter’s house. I wasn’t sure what would happen to the condos but Rowan and Gyth owned them so for now they weren’t being sold. There was a rumor that another one of Braxton’s military guys may be coming to work for him so someone would probably be using it again before long.
I sighed and looked in the mirror.
Zander was with all the kids at Braxton and Jurnee’s house with Jurnee’s parents who were babysitting, along with another teenage girl they used sometimes. With that many kids they needed an army. All the adults were meeting atNo Surrenderand going out for Valentine’s Day.
Glancing at my slim, pink dress I wore for the occasion I decided I better cherish it while I could.
“Hey, baby, are you—”
Rowan’s words died as he stared at me from behind in the mirror.
“I was going to ask if you were ready, but please say no.” He gave me a sexy smile and wrapped his arms around me. With a sigh, I sunk back into him. “I think I need to examine this outfit thoroughly and it may take a while.”
I giggled.
We truly didn’t have much time, but there was something I needed to do. “I have a gift for you.”
“Is it under this sexy dress?” Rowan asked hopefully while wiggling his eyebrows.
I turned in his embrace. “Umm,” I hesitated. It kind of was. A giggle escaped. “In a way I guess it is.”
He looked confused.
“Remember when we said our vows and you told me that our son and I were the best gifts you could ever get and we were all that you needed?”
Biting my bottom lip, I waited for his response.
He nodded once. “I do remember and I meant it.”
“Well, I hope this next gift will be another of the best you ever get. And I guess in a way we are giving each other a gift, technically.”
He waited quietly as I took a big, deep breath.
“I’m pregnant.” I blurted. “So see, I guess it is kind of a gift under my dress right now.” For a second time, I nervously waited for him to respond.
His eyes widened, mouth dropped open, and then he picked me up and spun me around. “We’re having a baby?”
He placed me on my feet. “Oh shit, baby.” Panic contorted his features. “Did I hurt the baby?”
I busted out in amused, happy laughter. This time he got to go through it all with me and if he was worried about me now from just a little spin, I could only imagine what he was going to be like later.
“It's fine,” I reassured him.
“We’re really having a baby?” He whispered the question like he could hardly believe it. It was endearing and my heart beat with so much love.
“Yeah. We are really having a baby. And if it is a boy, I’d like to name him Luke. If it is a girl, I would love to name her Jelena. What do you think?”
He blew out a breath and I could see the emotions swirling in his dark eyes. “I think you have a way with gifts. You have made me so damn happy, baby. I also think the names are perfect, whichever way it turns out.”
My heart was so full it nearly burst. “I love you, Mr. Caddel.”
He leaned over and gave me a sweet kiss, then took a small step back.
“I love you too, Mrs. Caddel.”
A beaming smile split my face.