Page 34 of Stone Heart
“Beg pardon?”
“Heather’s convinced that I’ve been running around ever since that stupid TV disaster.” Danny adjusted the sandwich bread to prevent a tomato slice from making a run for it. “She thinks everything I do is because of Lauren.”
“Have you seen Lauren at all?”
“Once—and only by coincidence,” Danny said. “She was at Dom’s the night of the baseball game, so we talked while I waited for the pizzas. One of Heather’s friends saw us talking and texted a picture to Heather, and because I didn’t instantly confess to a fifteen-minute chat, there’s the proof. I’m a cheating lowlife.”
“Hmmm.” Richie’s answer was little more than a rumble in his chest.
“And don’t get me started on my overtime.” Danny took another bite of sandwich and chewed like he was trying to punish it.
Out in the other room, Maggie gestured for her sister-in-law to join her in the foyer where they had a hint of privacy. Heather glanced over to make sure the kids were still occupied with their grandmother, then reluctantly joined her. She was feeling raw and didn’t want to talk, but she couldn’t keep avoiding Maggie.
“I don’t mean to pry, Heather, but what’s going on with you and Danny? I’ve never seen you guys like this.”
Heather sighed. “I don’t know. Ever since that whole scene at the TV studio, everything feels out of control.”
“What do you mean?”
“When we met Lauren after, and he hugged her? I just… I hated it,” Heather said. “I got jealous. But since then, I can’t stop thinking about it. When she’s singing, it sure seems like she still has a lot of feelings for him.” Heather frowned harder. “I know what I saw, Maggie.”
Maggie was quiet for a moment, and Heather could tell that she was wrestling with what to say. Her stomach twisted into an anxious knot.
“I’m not discounting what you’re feeling, Heather. And I’m not trying to be unsympathetic, but like it or not, she and Danny have history.”
“I know, but Danny’s been so distant. He’s been late a lot. And sometimes I see him lost in thought, and he has this look on his face. I know, right in my gut, he’s thinking about her…” Her voice trailed away for a second. “I think he’s still in love with her. I think they’re having an affair.”
Maggie flinched. “What? You think Danny’s cheating on you? He wouldn’t.”
“No…yes. I don’t know. I know he’s seen her.” Heather folded her arms in front of herself, feeling miserable. “Before, I would have never thought it, but now it’s all I think about.”
Heather told her sister-in-law about the photo Rachel had sent. And that Danny hadn’t told her about it. Maggie tried to persuade her that maybe Danny had just forgotten. Heather wasn’t buying it.
“Seriously, Maggie? Would you forget?” Heather shifted her weight from foot to foot.
“Point taken. But I know my brother. He wouldn’t step out on you. Maybe there’s a reason he didn’t say anything? He wouldn’t…” This time, it was Maggie’s voice that faded.
Heather gave her sister-in-law a hard stare. “Maggie? What aren’t you saying?” she asked, even though she dreaded the answer.
“It’s nothing.”
“Tell me!”
Maggie hemmed and hawed for a moment. “Well, Lauren stopped by my office the other day. She brought an autographed CD for Cole and mentioned the invitation to visit the recording studio again. We spent about ten, fifteen minutes visiting, but she did talk about Danny and some of her regrets.”
“Regrets about what?”
“About letting him go.”
Heather felt dizzy. Her voice was barely a whisper. “Oh my God.”
“Don’t jump to conclusions. Danny isn’t the type to sleep around. He wouldn’t cheat on you with Lauren—or anyone.”
Heather turned away, not wanting Maggie to see that she didn’t believe her. She found herself staring at Cole, who’d come in from the TV room. Based on Cole’s shocked expression and huge eyes, she’d heard at least part of the conversation.
Heather, her eyes filled with anger and tears, fled upstairs.
Behind her, she heard the remnants of their conversation.