Page 43 of Stone Heart
Danny did call Lauren, and they met for coffee. She called him, and they met for lunch. Then for ice cream. Each meeting was in a public place, ostensibly removing the temptation they’d faced at Lauren’s apartment. But each time, the attraction felt stronger, the emotional connection deeper. Their orbits drew them closer, and neither one seemed to be able to do anything about it—or even want to.
About three weeks after Danny dropped by her place, Lauren texted him to suggest grabbing another cup of coffee. The band had started working at some ungodly hour of the morning and decided to wrap early in the afternoon. Stevie and his girlfriend were bringing their daughter to Central Park to play, and Lauren was going to meet up with them. She was hoping for a little time with Danny before that.
They met not far from the Central Park carousel. Lauren was wearing old, comfy jeans, an AC/DC t-shirt, and sunglasses. Her hair was up in a loose knot. When she saw Danny, his jacket was slung over his shoulder and the sleeves of his button-down shirt were—as usual—rolled up to his elbows. Lauren offered her cheek for a kiss, and they started to walk. As they strolled, she told Danny about the progress—or lack of it—that the band was dealing with in the recording studio.
“Ohmygod!” The voice was girlish and high-pitched. “You’re Lauren Stone!”
The knot of twenty-somethings only needed to hear their friend once before flocking around Lauren. Cell phone cameras materialized, and Danny was shouldered out of the way. Lauren graciously signed autographs and took a few pictures, all while being peppered with questions that ranged from the status of her album to whether Augie had a girlfriend to her latest breakup. At last, she extricated herself from the group.
“Everyone always that pushy?” Danny asked, his voice snappish.
“Sometimes.” She didn’t care for his tone.
They started walking again, and Lauren moved over to be right next to Danny. Her fingers brushed his, but this time he pulled his hand away.
“What?” she asked.
“It’s like everyone’s staring at us. And the cameras. All we need is one person to take the wrong picture of us and share it and all hell’s gonna break loose.”
Even though she knew he had a point, Lauren bit the inside of her cheek while she swallowed her anger and frustration, almost choking on the implied shame of being with Danny. Her arms rigid at her side, Lauren started to walk faster, and Danny had to hustle to keep up.
“I’m not some dirty little secret.”
“Ineversaid that!”
“Well, that’s how you’re acting. And if that’s how you feel, then we need to stop whatever this little dance is that we’re doing.”
Before they could say anything else, another voice called out: “Danny! Yo, bro!”
Two soldiers dressed in fatigues were coming towards them. One was waving and smiling. He had the same mischievous grin as Danny.
“Joey?” Danny blurted out his brother’s name.
Their burgeoning quarrel forgotten, Lauren was delighted by Danny’s flabbergasted expression. Joey wrapped him in a bear hug, pounding his big brother on the back as he laughed.
“But—you’re supposed to be in Germany!”
“I was. But in a couple days, I’ll be a civilian again.”
“You’re getting discharged? I had no idea! Have you told Ma and Dad?”
“No. Gonna come over Sunday and surprise everyone at dinner.” A conspiratorial snicker escaped the youngest Padovano.
“Ma will lose her mind,” Danny said. “Call me. We’ll figure out how to sneak you into the house. That’s so great you’ll be home. The family’s all going to the beach for a few days leading up to the Fourth—”
“—Wouldn’t miss it.”
Jealousy nipped at Lauren when Danny mentioned the holiday family event. She had no right to take issue with time he spent with his family, but she wished she could be part of it. As the brothers talked, Lauren took a step back and took off her sunglasses. She watched them, smiling. He might be the younger brother, but Joey was over six feet tall, whereas Danny only hit six foot if he stood up straight and held his breath.
She realized a moment later that Joey’s companion was staring at her, and she knew she’d been made.
“Joey, you remember—”
“—Lauren? Is that really you?” Joey’s eyes sparkled with mirth. “Shit. I haven’t seen you in years. Well, not in-person anyway. Bunch of guys in my unit got plenty of pictures of you!”