Page 68 of Stone Heart
“Don’t listen to a goddamn word. Are you okay to get back to your place? I’ll come over as soon as I can…”
“You don’t have to come over—”
“—Yes, I do. Can you get home okay?”
“I have a car coming.”
“Okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He paused. “Lauren, I’m sorry.”
“I know.” Her voice was a sad, lost whisper.
Danny hung up the phone and immediately drove to his parents’ house. He was going to deal with this right now. When he arrived, Danny walked in without knocking. He stormed through the kitchen and into the living room, startling his father.
“Where’s Mom?”
“She went out. Said she had an errand to take care of. Why?”
With the most impeccable timing ever, the front door opened, and Deb waltzed in, looking smug. “I’m home, hon. I—oh, Danny. This is a nice surprise.”
Her nonchalance stymied his anger but only for a fleeting moment before he exploded. “Are you insane? You had no right to ambush Lauren like that! And the things you said? Do you have any idea how upset she is?”
“Deb?” Richie asked.
She ignored him. “I don’t care if she’s upset. No one seems to care that Heather and your children are unhappy. Someone needs to put a stop to this. You certainly haven’t. She’s disrespecting our entire family!”
Danny completely lost it, his voice reaching a roar. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Danny!” Richie’s voice was stern. “That’s your mother you’re talking to.”
“You want to talk about disrespectful? You waylaid her. Told her she’s a horrible person. You called her mywhore!” Out of the corner of his eye, Danny saw his father’s eyebrows shoot up.
“That’s exactly what she is.” Deb spat out her words. “You’re a married man, Danny. Married! And she’s sharing your bed. What else would you call her?” She dropped her purse on the side table.
Danny locked eyes with his mother. “A woman I care about deeply. This is none of your business.None.Don’t go near Lauren again, do you understand me? Not again!”
“She should be staying away from you! Do you have any idea how that photo in the paper will make Heather feel? How it made me feel?”
Danny threw his arms in the air. “And there it is. How it madeyoufeel. You don’t give a shit about Heather. Or about my marriage. You only care about how this makes you look in front of the rest of your church friends.”
Deb’s face contorted and her voice went higher. “That’s not true, the ladies and I—”
“Don’t finish that sentence. Just don’t,” Danny said. He’d had spats with his mother over the years, but nothing like this. He couldn’t remember ever being this angry with her.
“I raised you better than this.”
Danny’s mouth opened, but he stopped himself before he said something he could never take back. As angry as he was, she was still his mother. He muttered a curse under his breath and stormed out. The Jeep’s tires squealed as he tore out of the driveway.
Inside the house, Richie poured himself a small glass of whiskey. Deb didn’t say anything when she came back from the kitchen with a glass of water. She didn’t look at him and went right to the stairs.
“Deb.” Richie couldn’t believe she was just going to walk away without a word.
“What?” She glowered at him, still spoiling for a fight.
“What do you think you’re accomplishing? This is Danny’s business. Not yours, not mine, and you’re certainly not helping by attacking Lauren or by shutting him out. You hardly say two words to him during Sunday dinners now.”
“Why should I? He’s behaving abominably! I expect better from my own son!”
Richie shook his head, feeling a deep frown settle into his face. “Have you stopped to think that what you did made things a lot worse?”