Page 22 of Stone Guardian
"Please wake up. It's almost dawn and I must speak with you."
That Voice. She'd slept with him, hadn't she?
A pity she didn't remember any of it. A guy with a voice that hot should be at least passable in bed. Not forgettable.
Let's see...she'd gone to the cemetery with the girls, and then the security guard had come, and she'd twisted her ankle. She'd distracted the security guard while the other girls got away and then...she remembered wings and horns on a rooftop.
But no sex at all.
She wasn't even naked. She'd put on her My Little Pony pyjamas that no man was ever supposed to see. Yet here she was wearing them, and he was still here.
Which meant he was not only forgettable in bed, but he was probably about as attractive as the back end of a bunyip. A one night stand that would never be repeated.
Better get this over with, then.
She forced her eyes open.
Oh wow. More like the front end of a bunyip, if bunyips had horns and wings and...was that a, definitely an eight pack.
"Please. I only have a few minutes before the sun comes up."
"What happens when the sun comes up?" she asked.
"I turn to stone in sunlight, and don't turn back until after sunset," he replied. "Which is why..."
Alethea nodded slowly. She might not remember much of last night, but she did know her way around her parents' apartment. "Okay, so if we block out the sunlight, that'll buy us some time, right?"
He nodded.
"Then we need to close the shutters." She slid over to the side of the bed and set her feet on the ground. Only to find that one ankle had swollen up twice the size of the other one – no way was she putting any weight on that. "Move the curtain on that side. There's a switch next to the window."
He followed where she was pointing, and found the switch. "This?"
"Yes. Flick that and the shutter should come down."
With a protesting whine, the shutter slid into place, shrouding the room in darkness.
"There's a switch like that and a shutter on every window. If you close all the shutters, we solve the sunlight problem, yes?"
Again, he nodded.
"If we've only got a few minutes until dawn and my ankle's not going to get me anywhere fast, do you think you can close all the shutters in time?"
Quick as a shadow, he was gone.
By the time he returned, she'd turned on the bedside lamp and hopped to the bathroom and back.
"You should not be walking if you're injured. You should have waited for me to carry you," he said, frowning.
Yeah, he had a point. Especially as her ankle was throbbing now. She should have grabbed some pain pills while she was in the bathroom, like she had last night. Oh, maybe that's why she didn't remember anything – the pills had knocked her out. Which made it even weirder that he was still here.
"Look, I need to know one thing first, before anything else. Did we sleep together last night?" she asked.
He started to shake his head.
"We didn't have sex?" she persisted. Well, that would explain why she didn't remember it. Getting up close and personal with a body like that was something she figured she'd definitely remember.