Page 46 of Rogue Wolf Hunter
He couldn’t wait any longer.
He pulled out of her and flipped her over on the bed. Wrapping her legs around him, he slipped deep inside her. Heat flowed from her core. His cock throbbed, and he strained as he held himself back from the edge.
“Come for me,” he growled.
Given permission, her body shook for him. Waves of ecstasy rolled over them. His seed rushed into her, and he bent down and kissed her hard. Her hands ran down his shoulders, and the sugary taste of her lips made him groan. He couldn’t get enough. It would never be enough.
He wanted all of her, and now that he’d had her, he needed her like he needed air.
“Say my name, Jace.” Her words came out as a breathy moan.
When he broke away, her golden eyes were filled with a craving for more than sex.
His heart jumped, and his stomach flipped. “Princess,” he whispered. “What more do you need?” A large lump crawled into his throat.
Damn it. He was so fucking screwed. One night was all they’d agreed, but already he wanted more. But couldn’t go down that road now. Couldn’t allow himself to think about the consequences for them both.
Because if one night was all they had, he wasn’t nearly finished with her yet...
Frankie stared at the ceiling of the apartment and sighed, sinking into the old mattress, which enveloped her like a huge cocoon. She glanced to her right, where Jace lay next to her, sleeping. He was an alpha, a wolf in every sense. But when he slept his chiseled features softened. She stared at his peaceful face, and her heart melted. The hard stare he normally wore, filled with suppressed rage, had disappeared.
She relaxed into the comfort of the bed and thought of the burning fire that had blazed behind his eyes when they’d been intertwined. He was good—damn good. Those large muscular arms, his silky auburn hair, and those toned abs he’d put to such good use…
She’d peaked faster and harder than she ever had. His touch had sent something wild and heady coursing through her veins, and she’d ridden on the natural high for so long she hadn’t been able to think of anything but him.
He stirred, and her whole body tensed. Rolling over on his side, he flopped on the mattress, his deep sleep unbroken. She bit her lower lip. As much as she longed to stay by his side, she knew better. Her loyalty lay with her pack.
I can’t leave them.
And this could be her last chance to escape.
She’d already proven she wasn’t one for goodbyes.
Placing her feet on the ground, she slid off the bed. The hardwood floor squealed underneath her, and she froze.
Nothing. He didn’t even twitch. She snatched his shirt off the floor and pulled it on. The smells embedded in the material wafted into her nose—cigarettes, whiskey, musky cologne and the woodsy scent of his hair. She clutched the shirt to her body. She didn’t think he’d mind if she kept this small part of him. Something to go along with her memories.
Tiptoeing to the door, she grabbed the handle and it creaked open. A sliver of light from the hallway crept in. She paused and considered turning around. A large lump filled her throat. Everything between them had been so intimate, so personal. But now she was leaving, without him even knowing her real name. She swallowed past the pain and hurried out the door before she could change her mind. There was no point in ruminating on it.
One night.
That’s all they’d agreed.
The latch clicked, and she rushed down the stairs. Her spine cracked into place, courtesy of Jace’s inventive positions. She couldn’t even count how many times they’d done the horizontal mambo or a variety of other moves that burned up the sheets. She grinned, but the wave of sadness caught back up with her, washing her smile away. She jogged from the building, the cold night air nipping at her hot skin.
She scanned the area. How would she get home? Streetlights tinted the concrete orange. Cars, trash cans and buildings. No people.
Hot-wire a car or shift?
She eyed his Chevelle, then remembered that it had an alarm. Not to mention he’d never forgive her if she wrecked it. Glancing over her surroundings one more time, she stripped off the shirt, knelt to the ground and concentrated on the adrenaline buzz.
The burn erupted inside her, and she winced at the feeling of her bones snapping, her appendages transitioning apart. The brief discomfort led to relief when her fur sprouted into place, blocking out the cold air. The usual heightened smells and sounds barreled over her senses. She let out a breath and collected herself, gathering the shirt in her jaw, then bolted down the road. The calluses on the pads of her paws scuffed against the pavement.
She ran for blocks, slipping among the city’s shadows until her muscles strained. The thought of her home, her warm bed, soft sheets and silky nightgown comforted her. She wanted to fall onto her mattress and curl up into a ball, but she had something to do first. She rounded the final corner, then dashed down the alleyway. The backpack she’d brought with her two nights ago sat exactly where she’d left it, untouched. She had to move quickly in case the cops were nearby, checking out the crime scene.
One whiff and she knew she was in the clear, but that could change.