Page 80 of Rogue Wolf Hunter
Damon nodded to Jace, giving him the go ahead.
Jace didn’t hesitate to take it. “Your move, Jersey.”
“Watch and maybe you’ll learn something.” Trent cast them all one last grin, before he slipped through the darkness—Jace sensed the man’s movement through the trees—until he was positioned far enough away, so as not to expose their hiding place. Then without warning, Trent strolled out of the dark from the woods, suddenly covered in dirt to the point his face was unrecognizable, and to their collective shock, buck ass naked, as if he owned the place.
The guards’ gazes locked onto the intruder’s nude form in an instant.
“Evening, gentleman.” Trent flashed that stupid, over-confident grin.
“That crazy motherfucker,” Jace swore under his breath.
Damon muttered something that vaguely sounded like “shit” before he placed his head in his hand and groaned.
“Laissez bon temps rouller,” Ash raised a flask beside them and chuckled at the sight of Trent’s bare ass facing toward them in the distance and took a swig.
The guards' guns were pulled on Trent in all of two seconds, but if Trent was even slightly concerned for his own safety, he didn’t act fazed by it. The hunter’s eyes darted between the guards and the nine-millimeters in their hands, like he hadn’t expected them to pull them that quickly, and he was estimating if he could outrun a bullet.
Not to mention, he was still naked.
Trent let out a slow breath. “Shit.”
Abruptly, he darted back into the woods, hightailing it into the darkness again as if the hounds of hell were on his heels, though that area was more David’s specialty.
“Please tell me he wore a bulletproof vest,” the exorcist said over the in-ear mic.
“He wasn’t wearinganything,” Jace said.
“It’s Trent,” Damon answered grimly, his tone brusque and tinged with fury, like he couldn’t believe he’d somehow chosenthisrag-tag group of men to form some kind of cohesive team. “He likely forgot it on purpose.” The vampire hunter grumbled.
Jace clapped the division lead on the back. “They grow ‘em different in Jersey.”
Ash took another swig. “Swear he has a death wish,” he crooned. “But it’s impressive.”
“Trent isn’t who I worry about on that front,” Damon shot back.
Ash’s expression turned sour, but the ghost hunter didn’t dare say anything or try to defend himself before the sound of the facilities sirens set in. A few minutes later and half the guards from Headquarters were out in the woods, searching for a very naked, and potentially armed Trent, combing the very woods they hid in.
“Now’s your moment,” Shane said over the headset.
Jace held his hand on the Mateba, prepared to have his gun at the ready if needed, as he, Damon and Ash ventured in.
Thanks to Trent’s distraction, the guard tower was now unmanned. What would have been a glaring oversight on HQ’s part, if it hadn’t been for Shane hacking into the security cameras and placing a false feed on loop in order to let them in. Whoever was watching the gate from inside wouldn’t even see them. No doubt the facility had gone on immediate lockdown, but what they didn’t anticipate was someone having an active badge to key him in. David, God bless him, had maintained the peace of mind to nab one of the IDs off one of the Brooklyn division, before he’d hightailed it out of Jace’s burner apartment.
He’d known he called the exorcist his closest friend for a reason.
At one of the side entrances, Jace pulled out the badge from his pocket. He placed it against the scanner with a grin toward Damon and a gruff mumble of “So much for rules.” With this, HQ wouldn’t be able to trace any of this back to them.
Unless they managed to get caught.
Jace tried not to think about that possibility as they ducked inside the building. The sound of Shane’s voice ringing in unison in each of their ears.
“You have maybe ten minutes tops before they figure out I’ve hacked in.”
“In other words, get a move on it,” David grumbled from beside them.
“You don’t need to tell me twice.” Jace glanced toward Ash and Damon.
Ash nodded and separated off from them, heading toward the security room to serve as a lookout on the few screens Shane didn’t have access to. Even a tech genius professor like their witch hunter couldn’t be everywhere at once.