Page 38 of Brutal Royals
His words hit me like a physical blow. “What are you talking about?”
Dante sighed, moving to sit beside me. His fingers ran through his hair, making it messier than it already was. I resisted the temptation to flatten those auburn curls of his.
“Killian and one of our contacts overheard some men discussing a shipment of weapons they’d stolen the same day the Snake blew up your warehouse. My contact also warned me that there was going to be an attack on one of the families here in New York, though he didn’t say which one.”
The clues slowly started to piece together. “Using my guns.”
“Which could then be traced back to my family.”
“If they managed to get a hold of one, yes.”
“Which could start a war.”
Letting out a sharp breath, I fell back onto the mattress, not even caring if it ruined the bun I’d already had to fix once today. “And?” He was still looking guilty.
“We can’t exactly rule out that my father is behind this.”
I shot up. “You’re really telling me that your father is a suspect right now? What, do you think he’s the Snake? Do you think he killed my father?” My voice steadily rose with each word, and I didn’t even realize it until Dante hushed me.
“No. I don’t know.” He sighed. “Right now, we still know next to nothing.”
My eyes narrowed. I couldn’t tell if Dante was telling me this to throw off suspicion from him and his father or if he genuinely suspected Sal of being the Snake. I mean, he could have just said all of this to make me think he was on my side when in reality, it could be him and his father all along. Or…I was starting to get a headache trying to figure him out. And it was really starting to piss me off.
“This is a fucking mess.”
“Yeah.” He didn’t even try to deny it. “But let’s just try to survive dinner, alright?” Checking his phone, he patted my leg before standing. “Dinner should be ready to serve by now.”
“Excuse me?” I shot him an incredulous look. “You just told me you might suspect that your own father is the Snake, and you still want to have dinner? Are you serious?”
Dante’s lips twitched downwards. “We have to keep up appearances. It would be suspicious not to go.”
“Sal thinks the only job I should have is to be a broodmare, and I’ve hated him my whole life. It would be suspicious to go!” How could he not see that? Me having dinner with Sal Scarano was about as weird as it could get. Especially right now.
“We’re already here, Sienna. You can’t just walk out. Besides, my mother will be there. My dad can’t do shit when she’s around. He’s tried his best to keep her out of our business since they married, and he won’t let it start now.”
“That doesn’t make me feel better. What if your mom is in on it too?”
I jumped at the sound of his laugh. “My mother can’t even hurt the spiders in her kitchen. Nothing will happen to you, I promise. Besides, I’ll be right by your side.” Was it my imagination, or did he put a little too much emphasis on that last part?
This could have just been a part of his grand plan. I knew Dante had his own ambitions. No son of a mafia boss wouldn’t. I just didn’t know what those ambitions were, and it was starting to weigh on me. So far, Dante has helped me through everything, but I’ve seen the darker side he tries to keep on a tight leash. I just didn’t know what his plan was.
“Come on.” Dante extended a hand, waiting for me to take it.
Hesitantly, I stood, ignoring him completely. I let him take the lead, heading back down the winding staircase and into the dining hall. His parents were already there, seated at either end of the table with Killian in between. Dante’s brother looked downright gleeful at crashing the supposed family dinner, while his father looked thunderous. Sal Scarano definitely did not look pleased to find his wife and second son seated at the table with him.
“Ah, there you are.” Sal rose slightly, a fake smile plastered on his face. “So good of you two to finally join us. And I’m so pleased you invited your mother and brother along as well.” His tone said he was anything but.
“Yeah, we were about to eat without you,” Killian added. Sal cast him a disapproving look.
Dante flashed his father a toothy grin, pulling out my chair. “I thought it would be nice to have the whole family together. I don’t think Sienna has seen much of our family since the wedding, isn’t that right, dear?”
Dear? That’s how he was going to play this? Well, two could play that game.
I slipped into the seat, giving him my sweetest smile. “Of course. I think it’s lovely we can all have dinner together.” Considering our families have been trying to murder each other for the past few decades.