Page 77 of Brutal Royals
Killian and I exchanged looks. Before I could open my mouth to reply, something crashed through the window beside the desk. Smoke billowed from the metal container that rolled beneath Killian’s chair. He jumped up, stumbling towards me just as another container crashes through what was left of the glass.
“Get the fuck down!” our father yelled, grabbing his gun.
I pulled the one from my waistband, knocking back the safety.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Killian swore. “I don’t have a goddamned gun on me!”
“Seriously?” I ducked behind my chair, yanking Killian down with me. “Of all the days you aren’t packing, you picked tonight not to?”
“Well, I didn’t fucking know we’d be attacked in our home, now did I?” he shot back.
Through the door, I heard something kick down our front door. Tommaso’s voice rose up from the clatter before a gunshot rang out, cutting him off. Killian’s eyes went wide, but I shook my head. We couldn’t help Tommaso right now. He was on his own. If he was even still alive.
My father had ducked behind the side of his desk, glancing over the top to see if anyone would come through the window. “We need to get out of here.” The gas was already filling the room, making it hard to breathe. I didn’t know what it was, but it probably wasn’t good.
“Get to the door,” Sal demanded. “I’ll cover you.”
“We can’t just leave you here,” I whispered furiously. “Even if you are a dick, we can’t just let you die.”
“Fucking go,” Sal growled. “Now is not the time to be so goddamned sentimental.”
Killian pulled at my arm, trying to yank me towards the door. By now, the room was so filled with gas, it was hard to see anything. I could hear Killian’s hand feeling around the door for the handle just as my father lets off a shot. Whipping around, I watched as a man who’d climbed through the window dropped to the floor like a rock. My gun went up, aiming for the window as Killian cursed behind me.
“Any fucking day now, brother.”
“I’m fucking trying!” Killian hissed. I heard the click of the latch before the door swung open. “Finally!”
Another shot rang out. Killian ducked, pushing me to the ground. It hadn’t come from the window. It had come from the hallway.
“We’re surrounded!” Killian shouted. “I need a fucking gun!”
Back pressed against the wall, I shot him a look. The gas had started to seep into the hall and out the open window by now, making it easier to see. Another shadow attempted to get through the window, breaking more glass. My father and I both shot at the same time, hitting the man in the chest. He fell with a thud.
“Find a gun then. I’m sure father has some around here somewhere,” I bit out. “And see if you can find more ammo. We’re going to run out soon.”
“Last cupboard to your left!” Sal shouted.
Killian hurried over to the bookshelf, throwing open the cupboard drawer beneath the shelves. Two racks holding two HK416s and boxes of bullets sat in the open space. Killian grabbed the first one, tossing it to me before taking the second. He grabbed a box of bullets before hurrying back to his place on the other side of the door.
I spotted movement at the far end of the hallway. Praying it wasn’t one of our own workers, I take the shot. The black shadow goes down hard, and I feel nothing. As soon as that gun was in my hand, I unleashed the beast, just clawing to get out. I felt no remorse. No fear. There was only the feel of the weapon in my hands and the kick of the shot against my shoulder.
“Another one,” Killian said, pointing behind me.
Sal took the shot, taking down another man. “Why the hell are you two still here? Get the fuck out of here!”
“We’re not leaving you!” I snapped. “Now, just shut the fuck up and shoot!”
Killian aimed down the hallway, firing off a few shots as more men tried to come up the stairs. Bullets blasted into the walls, the photos hanging from the nails, ripping through wallpaper and glass alike. If our mother was still alive, she’d be furious. But, at the moment, all we could think about was surviving.
Who the fuck were these guys? They had to be the Snake’s men. There was no other explanation. With the Arco brothers telling me about the hit on our family just hours before, and my father confirming it, there wasn’t any doubt that these men had come to kill us. But how the hell had they gotten past the security guards without us hearing anything?
Killian’s gun went off again, the sound drowning out the screams of his victims as they fell. I joined in, not really concerned with aiming, as more came up the stairs. Eventually, they got the fucking hint.
“You cover the door. I’ll take the window,” I panted, pressing my back against the wall. Killian nodded, never taking his eyes off the hallway.
I didn’t know if we would walk out of here alive, and I didn’t have the luxury of praying that we would. But I wouldn’t go down without a fight, and neither would Killian. Neither would my father. I scrambled over to him, both of us just barely fitting behind the side of the desk. Sal’s gun clicked uselessly before he tossed it away with a snarl. Sweat beaded his forehead, but even still, he didn’t look afraid. Just severely pissed off.
“Dad?” The word felt foreign in my mouth.