Page 81 of Brutal Royals
“We’ll get her too, I promise. Somehow.”
He shook his head. “No, you won’t, Sienna. You don’t even know where the Snake is hiding. No one does. No one knows who they are. There’s no stopping him now.”
I hesitated, and Vincent saw it. Launching himself in the air, he aimed the needle straight toward my shoulder. I pulled the trigger. His body jerked to the side, crashing into the coffee table. The needle cracked against the floorboards. Vincent didn’t move again.
Slowly, I backed away from the body. I needed to get out of here. The gunshot had been loud, and someone would come to investigate. Racing to the bathroom, I shut off the water before grabbing my purse and keys on the way out. Right before I closed the door, my eyes landed on Vincent’s body again.
If he had been sent here to kill me, then I had to assume I wasn’t the only one they were after tonight. My body tensed as the realization finally dawned on me.
As soon as I’d gotten into my car, I’d called Mateo right away, asking if Dante was there. He’d been surprised, but said that no, Dante hadn’t gone back to our apartment there. I’d hung up on him without any other explanation and had driven straight to Sal Scarano’s estate. He had to be there. There was nowhere else for him to go.
I could see the flashing red and blue lights before I’d even gotten close to the house. Five police cruisers and two ambulances were waiting outside, officers and paramedics moving between the house and their cars. Two trolleys were pushed towards the ambulances, bodies zipped up in bags resting on top.
My heart caught in my throat. That couldn’t be them. It couldn’t be. Dante had to be alive. If he wasn’t—I didn’t know what I would do.
“Miss?” An officer stepped towards me where I’d stood frozen beside my car. “Is this your house?”
I glanced between him and the front doors as more bodies were removed. “N-no. This is my husband’s family’s home. This is Sal Scarano’s house.”
Recognition blooms across his face before it’s replaced with a wary look. “Ma’am, is your husband, Dante Scarano?”
I froze. “Yes. Why?”
He ignored my question. “Do you know where he is right now?”
“No. Can you tell me why you need him?”
“Besides the obvious fact that his family was attacked tonight?” The officer shot me a confused look. “Can you come with me, please?” He motioned towards the line of police cruisers.
“Why?” I stayed where I was, not daring to move. I felt like a parrot, repeating that fucking word. Why, why, why?
“We need to ask you a few questions. Do you know what happened here tonight?”
“No. I was at my apartment.”
The officer sighed, glancing over his shoulder at the other policemen. “Please, can you answer just a few questions? And then we’ll let you go.”
“Alright.” My feet move on their own as I follow him to the cruisers.
It’s there that I learned that Sal Scarano was found dead. The police explained it looked like a break-in, some sort of attack. Four men down in the study, plus Mr. Scarano. More dead in the hall. But Dante and Killian weren’t here. They’d escaped somehow.
“Are you aware there’s been a warrant issued for your husband’s arrest?” the officer asked. He’d introduced himself to me as Officer Cane.
His words snapped me out of wherever my mind had blanked off to. “What? Why?”
The officers exchanged looks. I could read their thoughts on their faces plain as day. They didn’t think I was involved in this mess at all, even though they had taken my name. Even though they knew my own family and what they were capable of. To them, I was just a woman who didn’t know what my husband got up to after dark.
“He’s wanted for murder,” Officer Cane explained. “Can you tell us anything about that?”
“You clearly know more than I do,” I lied.
He jotted something down in his little notebook. “Do you know what happened here? Who would attack your husband?”
I bit back my response. I already knew just how much the cops knew about the Snake. They’d been no help to our own investigation, and we’d known from the start they had moles when my father’s first safe house had burned to the ground. Plus, after Vincent, I couldn’t trust anyone. Not even the cops on our payroll.
“Can I go now?” I asked softly. I needed to find Dante and Killian. I needed to make sure they were alright.