Page 86 of Brutal Royals
“Fine,” I snapped. We both stood, taking shots at the men left. “Then let’s make a break for it. They aren’t aiming to kill.”
“So I noticed,” she said dryly.
I couldn’t help but crack a smile. Even when we were surrounded by enemies, being shot at, she still had to give me sass. “I could kiss you right now.”
“Can that wait until after we’re safe?”
Rolling my eyes, I motioned for her to go. “Get to the car. I’m right behind you. You won’t be leaving me behind, I promise.”
Sienna’s eyes caught mine, holding my gaze. Then her lips were on mine, her body crashing against me. And then she was gone. The kiss was brief, but it was all I needed. I stood, aiming for one of the men who was too focused on Sienna’s retreating back to notice. When he was down, I looked for another, slowly backing up the way she’d gone.
But no bullets came. None of the men stood to fight back. I still didn’t drop my weapon, backing up until I was covered by another pile of trash. I could hear the engine of my car starting from the lot. Taking a deep breath, I bolted from the cover, expecting to feel a bullet in my leg or shoulder or somewhere else that wouldn’t quite kill me but would probably be extremely painful. Nothing came.
Sienna was in the driver’s seat, the passenger side door already open for me. I slide in, hitting the dash as I closed the door behind me.
“Drive, Sienna.”
She didn’t need to be told twice. The tires skidded along the gravel as she tore out of there. I half expected the men to chase after us, but the lot was empty even then. Sienna wove between the cars on the freeway, driving a hell of a lot faster than she needed to. She didn’t slow down until we hit the city’s limits.
Her hands were clenched around the wheel, knuckles nearly as white as her face. My own hand reached out, covering hers, and I could feel her start to relax. My thumb brushed against her knuckles. Both of us were shaking, the adrenaline still pumping through our veins. I took a deep breath.
“We’re safe, Sienna. They aren’t coming after us.”
She shot me a sharp look before scoffing. “For now.”
“Where are we going?” I asked, ignoring her comment. I was just fucking happy we were both still alive.
Sienna was silent for a moment, watching the skyline of New York City. “Home. We have a lot to figure out.”
I blew out a breath. “Yeah,” I said quietly. “We do.”
We didn’t say much as we drove back to Manhattan. Sienna had insisted we go to her family’s apartment, claiming there were safety measures in place even if their security guards were compromised. She’d called Mateo as we drove through the city, updating him about what happened. He’d promised to grab Gemma and her mother, ensuring they stayed on her parent’s floor for safety reasons.
“My mother is there, Dante. And Mateo and Gemma. Even if all of our guards were out to get us, they wouldn’t be able to even get to our floor due to the safety shit we have in place. It’s as safe as we can get right now.” She glanced over at me. “Call your brother. Tell him to meet us there.”
Getting a hold of Killian was easy enough.
“Hey,” Killian’s low voice filled the car. “I took care of the body for you guys. You owe me. Dude was fucking heavy.”
“Thank you.”
“I also cleaned up the mess Sienna had left as well.”
Sienna scoffed beside me. “Sorry for not taking more care when someone tried to kill me.”
“Hey, it’s not a big deal. You did what you could.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll meet you at the apartments.”
We parked in the garage, both of our guns out and wary. There was no movement on this level, no sign of any security whatsoever, which told me the Snake really had turned almost all of our men against us. I assumed those who hadn’t been bought out had fled, not wanting any part of this. We hurried to the elevator before stepping inside.
Sienna didn’t drop her gun until we hit the lobby. There was no one here either. She went over to the secretary’s desk, popping open a hidden compartment beneath the top. My eyebrows went up, but she ignored me. Typing in a password, she hit enter.
The walls of the apartment building began shuttering and closing. I watched in amazement as the city lights disappeared behind sliding bullet-proof walls. Sienna tugged on my arm, heading towards the elevator.
“Come on.”