Page 18 of Merciless Royals
“I swear to fucking God. Move,” I snarled.
Sienna’s huff of impatience drew my attention to her. “Go ahead. Shoot.”
David’s head whipped towards her. “What?”
She ignored him. “Shoot him, Dante. If that’s what you want. But,” her arms crossed against her chest, “I swear to fucking God that, if you do, I’ll make sure you never get to meet your child.”
I froze. David froze. I’m pretty sure the whole damn world froze.
“What did you just say?” My hand dropped, the safety clicking back into place.
“I’m pregnant,” she snapped. “And this isn’t the way I wanted to tell you, but at least it got you to fucking listen to me.”
The docks were spinning. Or maybe that was just me. The gun suddenly felt ten times heavier. I didn’t know if she was telling the truth or not, but I believed her anyway. Knowing her, she wouldn’t lie to me. Not about this. I could see my own fear reflecting in her eyes. She was terrified. And I’d left her to deal with this on her own.
“How long?” I asked, my voice hoarse.
“I just found out a day ago.” She shifted on her feet, tugging David’s jacket closer around her shoulders. “I would have told you sooner but….”
But I had gone AWOL.
I glanced over at the man beside her.
I still didn’t know who the fuck he was, but I wasn’t about to let Sienna stand outside in the night like this. Especially if she was telling the truth about carrying my child. Slipping the gun into the holster, I glanced around. The docks were still empty. We were alone. But I already knew that looks could be deceiving.
“If you want to talk, we can talk,” I finally said. “But not here. Not out in the open.”
Sienna nodded as David took in a shaky breath. I eyed him warily. “Does he have to come with us?” I muttered.
“He does if you ever want to speak to me again,” Sienna replied coolly. “Now, where are we going?”
I had nowhere else to take them but back to Wen’s apartment. Unlocking the door, I winced as I flicked on the lights. Wen had been right—this place was a mess. But it wasn’t as if I’d had time to clean. I’ve barely even been here except to pass out at night. Guns were laid out on the kitchen table, boxes of ammunition strewn beside the empty magazines. More firearms were locked away in the suitcases by the door. Take-out containers, some from Wen’s and others from various restaurants around here, were piled on the coffee table in the small living room. Blankets had been tossed to the floor, mostly from me passing out on the couch and tossing in my sleep.
“This is…nice.” David tried to sound polite as they stepped through the door. I was really tempted to just shoot him, Sienna’s threat be damned. She’d forgive me. Sienna said nothing, but I could see the surprise in her eyes.
“Now,” I said, closing the door behind them, “tell me who you are. You have five seconds.”
Sienna shot me a dark look. “This is Special Agent David Atwell. He’s been assigned to the case of finding the Snake.”
I frowned. The name sounded familiar, which wasn’t a surprise. If he was a fed, most likely, my father had run into him a few times in the past. But there was more to it than that. There was something about David–something important that I couldn’t remember. Studying him, my mind drew a blank. I knew this man. I just couldn’t remember how.
“Special Agent?” I slid into a kitchen chair, leaning back. Relaxed. “You know who I am then?”
David’s face was unreadable. “Yes. But I won’t hold that against you if you actually help us.”
“I don’t need help.” I set my gun on the table along with all the others. “I’ve been doing perfectly fine on my own.”
“Since when is leaving behind a mile-long body count doing perfectly fine?” David snapped. Though his face told me nothing, his body language was a whole other story. He was tense, his fingers inching towards a gun he didn’t actually have on him right then.
“We need to know what you’ve found so far,” Sienna said, cutting him off.
I caught her eye. “Nothing. Fucking nothing. As I’m sure you already know. But, let me guess, you also know nothing?”
She bristled. “Well, maybe we would have found something if you hadn’t just run off.”
“And maybe we both would have been killed before we could,” I shot back.
“Why are you so fucking aggravating?” she hissed.