Page 20 of Merciless Royals
Dante snorted. “Or weeks. We’ve been trying to catch this guy since we were married. And you think it’ll only be a few days to finally find them?”
“That was before. With your contacts, and our database and intel, we should be able to get more information,” David replied coolly.
“Let’s hope so.” Dante turned away, clearly dismissing David. For his part, David didn’t seem all that phased by his attitude.
“Look, let’s just rest for tonight. It’s been a long evening. Shower. Relax. Gather our thoughts, and tomorrow morning we can start.” I motion towards the stairs. “There are two finished bedrooms upstairs. David, yours is on the left with a bathroom.”
David shouldered his bag before heading up the steps. Dante’s eyes followed him until he disappeared, a dark look on his face.
I ignored his male ego and swiped my phone open, dialing the first number on the list. As soon as Dante heard the dial tone, his head snapped back towards me.
“Who are you calling?” He stepped closer, trying to look at the screen. I glared at him until he stepped right back.
“My mother. Is that a problem?” He shot me a look before shaking his head. “Good.”
It took a few seconds before my mother finally picked up. I straightened, closing my eyes and thanking God that she was alright still. Every second I feared that something would happen to her. That I would get that call. She was the only family I had left here.
“Sienna, are you alright?” I could hear my own fear in her voice.
“I’m fine…but I need you to leave town for a bit.”
There was nothing but silence on the other end of the line. “Because of what’s going on?”
I let out a slow breath. “Yes. I just—I just can’t focus when I’m worried about you. I don’t want anything to happen to you. It would make me feel better if I knew you were in a safer place for right now.”
“Where am I supposed to go?” she asked softly.
“California? You could go visit your cousins there,” I suggested as if I hadn’t already planned it out. “I can get you a ticket tonight.” I’d already bought the ticket, but she didn’t have to know that.
She sighed. “I’m not leaving willingly,” she said finally. “Only so you can stop worrying and focus on taking this bastard down.”
I couldn’t help but smile just a bit at her words. “Thanks, mom.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Ending the call, I glanced up to find Dante glaring at the ceiling of the kitchen. We could hear the muffled sounds of David moving around in the guest bedroom.
“You know, if this is going to work, you’re going to have to trust him,” I said, brushing past him to head upstairs. All I wanted to do was sleep after the stress of the past few days. The past few weeks.
“I don’t trust anyone,” Dante muttered. He followed closely behind. I didn’t even have to check over my shoulder to know that he was making sure David had actually gone to the room. I could sense it.
“Well, you’re going to at least have to trust two people.” I sighed. “Otherwise, all of this will be for nothing.”
He closed our bedroom door behind him softly. “We don’t even need him. We were doing perfectly fine on our own.”
I stared at him in disbelief. “You sure about that? Because, from what I’ve seen, we haven’t done shit.”
His eyes dart down to my stomach. “Were you telling the truth? Or was this just to get me to come back?”
“I didn’t lie, Dante,” I snapped. My hand automatically smoothed over my stomach. “I would never deceive you like that. And, after disappearing for weeks, this is really what you want to talk about?” My voice shook. I couldn’t help it.
His eyes softened. “No—that’s not—” Dante sighed, sitting at the edge of the mattress. His dark eyes watched me. “Come here.”
I wanted to refuse. I was pissed off at him even now for leaving me to deal with everything on my own. He didn’t deserve to touch me right now. Not until he gave me an apology. I stood rooted to the spot, crossing my arms.