Page 68 of Merciless Royals
My phone rang, violently jolting me awake. Bolting to my feet, I searched the bed, trying to locate the damn thing. My head pounded, the pain pulsing along the bridge of my nose bearable but still annoying. When I finally found the cell, I checked the screen before swiping it open.
“What is it?” I glanced around the room, finding it empty. Beyond the door, I could just barely make out the sounds of movement downstairs.
“You know that guy you wanted me to look into?” Cain asked. “David Atwell? You thought he had something to do with your family.”
“Yeah?” Tucking the phone between my ear and shoulder, I snatch my jeans from the floor, yanking them on.
“Turns out, you were right. He did. He was the leading agent on your father’s case. Your father wanted to stop him, so he took out David’s family. His wife. His kid.”
It took a moment before it fully sunk in. “Fuck.”
“Is he after you now?” Cain asked. “Because, if he is, it’s not about the law anymore. This is personal.”
I sank to the bed, fingers tangling in my hair. “He tracked down Sienna. Told her he could help her take down the Snake.”
Cain said nothing for a few seconds. When he finally replied, tension filled his words. “Dante, your father wasn’t the only one David had gone after. He’d been on the Rosania’s case as well. And it wasn’t just your father who was in on the plan to take out David’s family.”
Ice slid down my spine. “You’re telling me that Giovanni Rosania also helped kill the wife and kid?”
“Where is he now? Where’s Sienna?”
“I–” I shot to my feet, heading towards the bathroom. Yanking the door open, I found it empty. “I don’t know. I have to go.”
Fuming, I yanked on the rest of my clothes, stalking toward the door. I nearly ripped it off its hinges as I barreled out into the hallway. Slamming open Killian’s room, I found no one. David’s was also empty. Did they all fucking go? I stormed downstairs, unable to rein in my anger.
Killian was sitting in the living room, his long legs stretched out over the arm of the chair. He shot to his feet as soon as he heard me pounding down the steps.
“Where the fuck is she?” I snarled, checking the kitchen and the hallway bathroom.
“I think you know where she is,” Killian replied, glancing towards the door.
I turned on him, fury flaring. “And you just let her walk out?”
“Bro, she knocked you out cold. You think I was going to stop her after that?” He eyed me warily. “Then we both would have been out.”
“Grab David. We need to go.”
“I thought he was upstairs in his room.”
We stopped, staring at each other. I frowned. “He’s not down here with you?”
“Do you see him with me?”
“He could have just gone with Sienna, and I didn’t see him,” Killian weakly suggested.
“I know exactly where he is.” Snatching the first gun from the table, I checked the clip before grabbing more bullets from the glass top. “Get your shit. We need to go. Now.” I took the stairs two at a time, pulling out Sienna’s wallet out of her purse and stuffing it into my pocket before heading back down.
I called a car while he loaded up more guns. Handing me a double holster, he slipped his own over his dress shirt, tucking away two handguns and more bullets. We slipped out the door, and it was all I could do not to run. We might have already been too late. I didn’t know how long ago Sienna had left. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to know. Right now, I still had hope that she was still okay. That she hadn’t been taken or worse.
Sliding into the front seat of the cab, I flashed Sienna’s black credit card. “Drive like the fucking cops are on your tail, and you’ll get half of what’s on this via private transfer.”
Killian leaned over the front seats, his gun in his hands. The cab driver swallowed thickly, putting the car into drive and high-tailing it out of there. I’m sure this wasn’t the weirdest shit he’d seen as a night-shift cabbie, but it would certainly be one of the most memorable.
The tires screeched against the pavement, the car lurching forward. I didn’t have high expectations, but the driver surprised me. He wove through New York traffic like the nextFast and Furious, as if he’d done this before. Killian nearly flew through the windshield as the cab came to an abrupt, screeching stop at the entrance to the shipyard.
I stepped from the car and slammed the door shut behind me. “Kill, get his information for payment.” I didn’t wait for him to finish.
Ducking under the bar, I started across the parking lot. Killian would catch up later. I couldn’t wait for him. Heart thudding against my ribcage, my adrenaline was already at its peak, the monster clawing to come out. If the Snake had touched one fucking hair on her head, he was a dead man. Nothing would stop me from ripping them limb from limb. From finding them in the furthest corners of the world and utterly destroying them piece by fucking piece.