Page 18 of Brutal Savage
I stand, nodding towards Archer. “Deal with them.”
Ivan curses, but Andrei just looks relieved. Turning away, Cain and Declan follow me out to the car. I reach for the handle, only pausing when I hear a series of gunshots go off behind me. We can’t just leave their bodies behind to be found. Which is why Archer drags the barrels of oil towards the center of the garage, just beside the vehicle they have lifted. And sets fire to it all.
Archer smoothly slides into the back seat, wiping blood from his face with a white handkerchief. Cain tears down the street, away from the rising call of the sirens. We did what we had to do—what we had been ordered to do. I just wished there had been more of them to kill, especially after they’d destroyed our club.
Cain drops me off back at headquarters, down at the docks. Sienna and Dante will be waiting upstairs for a report, though it wouldn’t be that detailed. So the Russians have big plans for us. That we could have easily guessed at. But mentioning the other crime families? The Pakhan can’t be thinking of attempting a total takeover, could he?
It would make sense. The Italians have been the strongest organization in New York City for decades until last year. The Snake had definitely weakened us, nearly decimating our family. That alone could make the Pakhan believe he had an opening to just take it all.
Which is why I needed to be unmerciful now more than ever before. I sigh as I make my way into the building. I’d been hoping I could somehow get out of this arranged marriage, but now I see what my brother and sister-in-law had. There is no getting out of it. We need that alliance. The Russians don’t stand a chance with the Italians and the Irish, no matter how many clubs they blow up.
I step into the elevator, checking my clothes for any stray splatters of blood from when I broke the old man’s finger. Satisfied that there is nothing, I straighten my leather jacket and head onto the floor. Cubicles are arranged throughout, with glass windows lining the walls. Sienna and Dante’s office is also made entirely of glass, though it’s warped and hard to see into.
Knocking on the door, I wait to hear one of them call me in. Dante’s stretched out in one of the chairs with his legs across the desk when I walk in. Sienna is in her usual spot. I take the empty seat beside my brother, crossing my legs.
“So?” Sienna prompts, wasting no time. “How did it go?”
“Well, we had to torture an old man to get this information,” I begin, “and I don’t even think it’s worth the trouble.”
Sienna’s eyes narrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, the old fart rambled on about how the Pakhan has big plans for us—and the other crime families in the city. But we already knew he was probably planning a coup to take over. So it’s nothing new.”
Dante sighs. “Did you learn anything else?”
I glance over at him, feeling annoyed. “The men wouldn’t talk. They knew if they did, they’d die anyway. I told you it would be better to try and offer them security rather than outright torturing them.”
“The Russians wouldn’t take that offer anyway,” Sienna explains, waving away my words. “The Pakhan would just send his soldiers after them. And it would tip him off that we know what he’s up to. But,” she leans forward, resting her elbows on top of the desk, “you did get good information.”
Dante and I exchange quizzical looks. I didn’t get anything that we didn’t already know or could have guessed for ourselves.
“If the Pakhan really is making a grab for power, then he’ll want to do it quickly while we’re still weak,” Sienna explains, sounding slightly exasperated. “Which means we need to move up your wedding.”
Ice slips down the back of my neck. “Wait, what?”
“If our alliance with the Irish is sealed sooner than later, then we won’t be weak.” She folds her hands, giving me a sharp look. “The Pakhan might think twice about attacking either of our families if you two are married. Which means that needs to happen as soon as possible.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” I hold up a hand. “I literally just met the poor girl. Now you want me to marry her within—what—a month?”
“Try two weeks.”
I stare at her. “You can’t be serious.”
She shrugs. “That’s the fastest we can get a nice wedding put together.”
“It sounds like you’ve already thought about this,” I say slowly.
“We have.” Sienna stands, walking around the desk. She perches at the edge beside me. “I know this is fast. I know you don’t know her. But we need to ensure our family is safe, and you’re the only way we can do that.”
I hate when she does this. Makes me feel important. “I get it,” I snap. “You don’t have to manipulate me.”
“I’m not manipulating you,” Sienna says softly. “I’m just making sure you understand.” She takes my hand, giving it a squeeze before returning to her chair. “Even with this alliance, I don’t trust the Irish. I know Callahan Ryan is hiding something from us. And I want you to find out what it is.”
My eyes flick between Sienna and Dante warily. “How?”
“How do you think, dumbass?” Dante claps me on the shoulder. “Through his daughter.”
“Oh.” I sit back, feeling a bit overwhelmed. “You want me to spy on my fiancée.”