Page 23 of Prepared (Auctioned)
I mean, just leaving your iPad on the kitchen island like that? Open, screen lit up with some recipe? It’s not as if you left the room to take a leak; you drove off to pick up Jayden from school.
Works for me, though.
You have an expansive Spotify library, with playlists labeled “Fuck to this,” “Date night,” “Fuck to this 2,” “Justin’s faves,” “Children’s songs,” “Latest obsession,” and on it goes.
You follow my cousin’s ’90s barf-fest playlists. Fuckin’ Ace of Base and boy bands.
I click on the playlist for our date nights and reckon I can copy it the way it is. See? Isn’t so hard to be in charge of music for the wedding.
God-fucking-damn, it felt good to see the Welcome to Camassia Cove sign.
The old Wagoneer was back on home ground after spending a week at Sea-Tac.
“Do we have everything for Sunday?” Gray asked as they got closer to the big-box stores right outside of town. “I think Target’s open now.”
It was still early, but Mom was up, the kids were up, and breakfast was in the making.
“I bought every item on your Easter list two weeks ago.”
“Okay, then we’re good.”
Darius switched lanes to bypass the Valley and head straight for the northern parts. “What are the plans for the weekend?”
“Dinner at my parents’ on Saturday, then Easter egg hunt on Sunday morning at Avery and Elise’s.” Gray didn’t know who else would show up for the hunt, but he was guessing the whole Quinn family.
“So essentially, we barely have any time to fuck off before the wedding hysteria begins,” Darius deduced.
Gray could’ve been annoyed if he didn’t know that Darius just wanted their little family to himself. So instead, it made him happy, because he sort of wanted the same. Actually, right now, it was sheer need. He needed to close himself in with Darius and the kids for a little while.
“Here’s where we’re at,” Gray responded. “We stay at home today. Tomorrow, we’ll head up to the springs and camp out for the night. It’ll just be us. Then Mom gets to play the Easter bunny with the kids when we get back on Saturday. Sunday will be Easter madness with your family. On Monday, we brace for impact.”
Because after that, guests were arriving.
Come to think of it, Ryan and his family would undoubtedly be there for the Easter egg hunt on Sunday.
The three Tenleys would have to make themselves at home in Gray and Darius’s guest cabin while they were camping with the kids, presuming they arrived this weekend. River and Reese knew their way around the property, and Darius would simply make sure they knew where to find the keys.
“When are your brothers flying in?” Darius asked.
“Gage comes down from Vancouver on Monday night, and the twins fly in on Tuesday,” Gray replied.
A lot was probably changing in the twins’ lives this year or the next. Gabriel had done well for himself and was now the Blackhawks’ backup goalie, and there was industry talk about LA wanting him. If it happened, Gideon would move with him. Those two were inseparable, which Gray found comfort in. Plus, Gid’s new path in pursuing a career in physical therapy would suit him perfectly. He was ready to choose a major after studying part time in Chicago.
“I think Abel and Madigan come down on Tuesday too,” Gray added.
Abel had been in the news lately. Other teams constantly wanted him, but he was happy with the Canucks, and they were fucking lucky to have him. He could do better. A lot better. But Gray’s best friend wanted his happy medium, and that included playing for a team that rarely made the play-offs, resulting in a shorter season and being closer to home.
He’d grown closer to Gray’s big brother this year too since Gage had moved up there. And as long as Gray’s title as Abel’s best friend was unthreatened, he didn’t mind one bit.
“I’m starting to regret choosing two best men,” Darius admitted.
“No shit?” Gray snorted.
At the same time, he understood the dilemma. It’d been impossible for Darius to pick between the brother he was closest to and his best friend. But yeah, the hell would rain down on Darius once the bachelor party was underway.
Gray was happy with his dream team. Abel was his best man, and Mom and Isla were the honorary best women. They wouldn’t be in the actual wedding, but they’d been heavily involved in the planning.
As they passed the exits for Camas and Downtown, Gray felt the anticipation rise within him. Mere minutes to go. They drove up the mountainside toward Ponderosa, where Mom and Aiden lived, and Gray reached over the backrest to grab his carry-on from the back seat. He’d bought a jar of Tahitian vanilla at the airport in Belize for Mom. It was some fancy stuff, apparently harvested in Belize too, despite its name.