Page 84 of Bittersweet
“Me? AndBen!?Oh, honey, no. No, no, no.” I continue to stare. “Never in a million years would you catch me with that man.” Okay, well, that kind of stung.
“It’s not like he’s hard to look at,” I say, eyes moving to my food and voice low.
Embarrassed, I realize.
Because despite how much I hate to admit it, there’s not a fucking molecule in my body that isn’t attracted to Ben.
And someone questioning my taste to this degree? Well . . .
“Oh, he’s good-looking, that’s for sure. You’ve caught a hottie, babe.”
“I haven’t—”
“You have. You both are just too fucking stubborn to admit it.” She takes a napkin and dabs at her eyes, and I make a mental note to ask what kind of mascara and eyeliner she uses because the thick layer doesn’t even budge. “Lola, he’s not mytype.”
Not her type.
In what universe would Ben not be a red-blooded woman’s type? Unless . . .
“Ding, ding, ding, you’ve got a winner,” she says, winking at me. “You’re more my style, babe.” I blink. “Don’t worry, I don’t poach from my bestie. Though, for you? I could make an exception.”
“I’m sorry. I . . . That was incredibly rude of me to assume, I—”
“I get it all the time. It’s my own fault. I love to mess with people and play along. But you had that hurt doe look in your eyes, and I couldn’t do it.” She sighs, putting the napkin on her lap. “No, Ben isn’t my type, and I’m definitely not his.” She looks me over again, red-painted lips tipping as she picks up a fork and then waves it up and down in my direction. “But you? You’re fucking perfect.”
“I’m . . .”
“Perfect. This is perfect, actually.” A French fry goes into her mouth and she chews. “God, I can’t believe I didn’t see it early. Sweet as sugar, spice lying underneath. I bet you’re also submissive as fuck in bed, aren’t you?” My eyes go wide, panicking.
My mind also goes back to that night.
Every command he gave, and every time I didn’t hesitate.
“Oh my God, you’re perfect for him,” she says, white teeth bright within the confines of red lips. “Perfect balance. Won’t take his shit, he won’t get bored. Keep him on his toes and he’ll keep you in line. Make sure you take care of yourself.” She puts another bite of salad in her mouth, chewing while looking me over like she’s vetting me for something. “Fucking perfect. Meant to be.”
“I’m sorry. I think you have this completely misunderstood. This isn’t . . . I’m not . . . We’re not . . . I haven’t . . .” I can’t finish a single sentence.
The words won’t come.
But Hattie just smiles.
“Oh, I know. I know you’re not—now. But I see it. You are. You just don’t know it.”
“It’s not like that. It was one time, and that’s it, never again.”
“I doubt it,” she says with a sly smile. Hattie knows more.
“Hattie. The man can’t stand me.”
“Interesting that you didn’t say you can’t stand him.” A thick eyebrow is raised, and shit if she isn’t right.
Why is that? Why did I focus on how Ben feels toward me and not the other way around?
“Well, that too. I can’t stand him. But he can’t even be in the same room as me without arguing with me.”
“You never lock your doors.”