Page 14 of After We Fall
“What?” I returned, straightening. “I wanted to kiss you. And don't lie. You wanted to kiss me too.”
Grant blinked before running a hand through his hair as he let out a ragged sigh. “Fuck.”
He stood to walk upstairs, spinning back to say, “Call the doctor.”
I stared at the ceiling, but there wasn't much to see. The ceiling was plain white with shadows cast across it from the moonlight falling through the windows. It offered nothing for distraction.
My mind kept repeating the vivid recollection of kissing Harley, which sent a jolt of heat sizzling through me with each loop in my thoughts. I’d gone and done the stupidest thing ever and fucking kissed Harley.
“She kissed me first,” I whispered aloud in the room. “She did.”
You're just trying to make excuses.
It was mutual.
It doesn't really matter.
Who made the first move?
It was incremental.
You met her halfway.
My critical mind taunted me. Fuck me. I bunched the sheets in my fist, squeezing as if I could eliminate the energy coursing through my system. I refused, I absolutely refused, to give in and find my release to the mere moments-old memory of the feel of her lips underneath mine.
As a result, when I woke up the next morning, I was cranky as hell. I'd slept like shit. And Istillcouldn't stop thinking about Harley.
Resigned, I took care of matters in the shower out of pure desperation. Even though it was safe to say I didn't pray often, I tossed a little prayer to the universe, hoping Harley had already left the house. I didn't like to think of myself as a coward, but I wasn't really up for facing her this early.
After my shower, I leaned forward, checking out the wound on my shoulder in the mirror. It was healing up nicely. Despite her protestations, Harley had done a good job with the butterfly bandages. It was sealed and just sore now. The entire surface of the skin around the cut was bruised. I rolled my shoulder, testing the soreness. I brushed my teeth quickly, then considered shaving as I ran my fingers along the stubble on the side of my jaw. I decided against it when I glanced at my watch because I had just enough time to rush to the lodge and grab breakfast. That would get me to the airport on time for my first flight of the day.
I dressed quickly, letting out a quick sigh when I saw Harley’s bedroom door open and the room empty. She always made her bed. When I jogged downstairs, the house was silent. Cat was gone too.
The air was cool when I stepped outside and jogged from the staff house to the main lodge. The sun was making its brisk climb into the sky, and it wasn't even seven o’clock yet.
A few minutes later, I walked through the back door into the kitchen and was assailed with the aroma of fresh cinnamon rolls. Cat was pulling them out of the oven and smiled over at me. “Your favorite!” she called.
“You know it,” I answered.
I turned to grab a mug out of the cabinet nearby and pour myself some coffee. I felt the hairs rise on my neck as I set the coffee pot back and knew Harley had come in. I steeled myself as I glanced over my shoulder. She was walking through the archway from the front entrance. She paused to say something to her brother, Diego, reminding me with blinding clarity why I never,never, never should have kissed her last night.
Daphne appeared at my side with a fresh cinnamon roll on a small plate. “Just for you,” she offered, her eyes twinkling.
“Ah, personal service. Thank you.”
“Well, the minute I put them on the main table”—she angled her head in the direction of the table in front of the windows where guests were eating—“they'll be gone.”
As soon as she handed the plate to me, she whisked away, buzzing about the kitchen like a little bee. I sat down at the counter, making quick work of the cinnamon roll. When Harley passed by and her eyes caught mine, I nodded in greeting. That was it.
Diego sat down beside me, casting me an easy grin. “Morning. You look like you're in a hurry.”
I finished chewing the last bite of the cinnamon roll and took a swallow of coffee before replying, “I am. I had just enough time to get over here before I beat feet and get out to fly.”
“Oh, that’s right. You've got some early flights this morning. I'm sure I'll see you out there. Fly safe,” he said as I stood.